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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Is he on supplements? Joint Health comes to mind. Continued acupuncture and perhaps chinese herbs.
  2. August 15, 2007 CALL JENNY CRAIG! I took Winslow swimming this morning and just as I suspected.. a whopping 78.4 lbs.!!! I thought he looked a little heavier when I got back. Craig said he was really energetic all week and not too hot. Totally unexplainable. It's been very hot here- record highs. Yesterday, he was all over the neighborhood and went on more walks than just necessity. Socializing and visiting with all the neighbors. Today, he swam 12 double laps and 2 singles, all without complaint. He usually gets tired around lap 9 and I have to really encourage him to do the last one. He's been playing with his toys more and not really begging for food. For the last few days, we have been decreasing the food just a little bit and he's been getting more exercise. Hopefully we can stablilze and perhaps lose a few just with the extra walks. I really do believe this has to do with the chemo getting out of his system. Have you ever heard of dogs eating peaches? Winslow is suddenly interested in peaches and nectarines. I cave him a really tiny piece and he loves it! Are they bad for dogs? I know about the seeds, but I wonder if a small bit of it is ok. He has always loved brocolli, but peaches? Glynis Me, thinking about decreasing food and I received this today: August 17, 2007 Hi Diane, I was eating breakfast this morning. Eggs. I wasn't at the table, but sitting on a chair in the kitchen. Winslow, who never, ever, steals food, walked right up to the plate on my lap and just stuck his tongue in it. He's like an anteater. Just shot the old tongue out there and back. Didn't try to grab anything, but just put enough slobber on the plate that I really didn't want to eat it. Then, he just stood there looking at me. I could hear it loud and clear, "You gonna eat that?" Of course, I gave it to him. He ate the remaining egg and did a dance afterward. I know I heard him laughing. Have a good day. Glynis
  3. Part of it looks like a corn, the rest like a crummy pad Email Dr. Cynda Crawford at the University of FL (Gainesville) She is who Ohio State sends the "corn" stuff. I've p.m.'d you her email address.
  4. I'd get a sample of the Purina EN and see if she likes it. Sending prayers!
  5. Sending prayers for many good days.
  6. Is there any way to know whether the strain that is a problem is convered in the available vaccine?
  7. If this is a front leg (which I think it is), how about t shirts? For next week, can you get a babysitter to come in for him for a few days or as many as needed?
  8. I've had many go 2.2 in creatine with a normal BUN. I wouldn't worry about it If you need the articles Dr. Feeman wrote emailed to you, email me at Burpdog@msn.com
  9. I can't imagine your vet not having a cavitron(?) Have you asked?
  10. Vet check There is so much that it "could" be, including nothing!
  11. Several have had to stop the pain meds or adjust down as they have had problems. Neurontin is a great idea. I'd call Ohio State. Also, see if a week from Friday would be ok for the chemo. It's only 5 days later than they want, but those 5 days can make a big difference in how he feels. Or, because it sounds like he is in the study program, alternate the chemo between a vet you find and Ohio State.
  12. Perhaps the 1 mg per pound of body weight is a twice a day dose in the dog world.
  13. The first week is very difficult. Hang in there!
  14. Might want to give him some oatmeal to help it move along. Carafate is a wonderful drug but can be binding.
  15. When nothing shows on the xray I call my chiropractic vet and acupuncture vet
  16. Since A&M is mentioned, perhaps Texas?
  17. It appears under a year old, so I wouldn't use it. Advantage Multi
  18. It could be changing colors because the vet scraped it. I'd call the vet and see what she says.
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