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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. When Joan looked at the picture last night (she is an opthamolic NP), she thought infection. Maybe it's pannus..... Will be looking for an update.
  2. Sending prayers! I won't/don't feed pig ears anymore.
  3. Good idea to have her in first thing! Sending prayers.
  4. OK - you said it went away after a few minutes and now that it is not going away? Is he walking ok?
  5. Sounds weird. Do you have any saline (pure saline--not contact solution)? Try rinsing his eyes out with it and see if it helps. Obviously a trip to a vet is in order. Does he seem stressed at all?
  6. Sending my sympathy to all who loves him
  7. The only dog I had with glacoma was a Dane. The end result was blindness in that eye and removal of the eye. I would get the second opinion at Tufts (or if close to you -- I didn't check your location the U of Penn or Cornell). You can search meds and if you find a more reasonable price, ask for a prescription. also, you can email Ohio State to ask for an opinion and if they know anyone in your area that you can get a second opinion from. Sending prayers!
  8. Try a little oatmeal or All Bran cereal. Tastes better than metamucil
  9. Could it be bad food? Have you tried just boiled meat?
  10. Do what you can I've given it 4 times a day. You can give it and feed within 20 minutes but you have to do pills 2 hours later. I've done: give pills, feed, wait a hour, give carafate.
  11. August 29, 2007 Hi Diane, Winslow finds a turtle. (his version of "Horton Hears a Who") Yesterday was cooler so Winslow enjoyed his morning walk more than usual. On our regular trail, Winslow found a turtle. When he first saw it, he jumped back. Then, a closer look. Then, a butt sniff. Yep, Winslow butt sniffed a turtle. The turtle of course went right into it's shell. Winslow jumped back again. Then another sniff. and another. The turtle wasn't coming out. Ok, enough torture. We finished our walk and went home. 2 hours later, Winslow wants out. Ok, well, it's cool outside and another walk is ok. Off we go. Winslow makes a beeline for the trail. As soon as we get to the space where the turtle was, Winslow drops that big ol' nose and starts looking. He was sniffing bushes, following the scent, searching for the turtle. Nothing. We go home. By the way, the reason for this walk was only to search for the turtle. We went out at least 3 more times yesterday. Each time, Winslow went on a search for his turtle. Finally, after a good night's sleep, he forgot the turtle. Winslow had his swim today. He did 13 double laps and is now a sleek 77.6 lbs. I think this weight is good. He's not hungry and not having any problems with the stairs. I can see a little rib when the sun hits him just right or when he's wet. He's so fuzzy now it's hard to tell. But he seems really healthy at this weight, so I think we can hold it there... hopefully... maybe, well, if he stops eating my eggs in the morning. Craig went to the pool with us today and Winslow certainly put on the show for his dad. Esther Williams! He ran into the water, danced around outside and was really proud of himself. He kept eye contact with Craig while he was doing his laps and came out of the pool wagging his whole butt! This was the first time Craig got to go with us and he was impressed! Winslow didn't swim last week, but the 13th lap was easy for him. He's really getting in shape. Says he wants a Speedo for his birthday next year. Have a good trip to SF. If I don't see you in the airport, I'll see you next Friday night. Glynis
  12. My second grey, Jesse, had a round spot on her chest the size of a baseball. As long as I gave her 400IU of vitamin E a day, it would stay cleared up.
  13. I'd do a thyroid panel before putting him on meds since he appears to have no symptoms.
  14. Is the area where Frontline is put or vaccinations were done?
  15. Helps if I spell it right Dr. Couto says it is promising and you can ask on the Circle of Grey or the Yahoo Group: artemisinin From what I understand it somehow helps the body fight cancer cells.
  16. Not that I am aware of. I assume he knows how to do it and not to go too deep? Good luck!
  17. Have you started her on artimisenen?
  18. Interesting thought....I have seen it though from lamb
  19. Try beef (Solid Gold Mmellenia) How was his poops on EVO?
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