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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Super news! Being a grandma here: make sure they give you specific instructions and also what to watch for regarding adverse effects. Perhaps Madera and others can give suggestions and pointers
  2. Could very well be a side effect of Proin. I'd stop it immediately. Several dogs have had problems with it and over the past few months it seems like quite a few. Did you culture the urine when he started leaking?
  3. Two things to try: email: greyosu@osu.edu and call and if Dr. Couto is not available ask for Dr. Marin 614) 292-3551
  4. It varies. Mahogany is not a big water drinker and hers is dark. I've taken in samples because I thought it was too dark and it's fine.
  5. How long since he has been checked? Is the "stain" where the position would be urine, or on the side (my guys drool or lick the sides)
  6. Can you get a referral for acupuncture?
  7. Is this Hogan hound or grey hound? Are there symptoms? How old is the dog?
  8. Burpdog


    It's always so hard to say so long to a friend
  9. Hopefully he will stand by morning
  10. Tootsie stresses so much I feel very bad for her. Interesting (I've moved to ace for her), I give her half a pill, turn on the CD and the other day she stood in front of it, listening. I think by the time the drug kicks in the CD is on and equates the CD with feeling good Actually Toots panics. I've had mild thunderphobic dogs--they pace and pant a bit and get over it. For Pablo I use the combination Bach flowers the vet made up and it works for him. Vet told me to get Valarian root extract at Whole Foods and try that instead of the ace.
  11. With Mizzy I went to a beef based food (Solid Gold) and started her on Tavist1 (one twice a day). It's helped a lot. I give her benedryl on the days she is real itchy.
  12. Email Ohio State and ask Consult: greyosu@osu.edu
  13. Sending lots of prayers! If you have not yet read Winlow's diary, now would be a good time See if you have a swimming facility near you like he has. The cost was not bad (I think $35 a session?). Also, if Dr. Couto has not mentioned it yet, check into artemisinin. Ask him when to start it. I can't remember if it's right away or after chemo is finished.
  14. Call the vet and ask I had that happen a couple of times and we left it and did water therapy when all the stitches were removed.
  15. They have a very long drive back if they are going home today. I hope it went ok
  16. There have been lots of greyhounds with an elevated creatine and a normal BUN and that for them, is normal. I've had several where the BUN was also a little elevated and it comes down after a dental. Make sure the teeth are in good shape! I have emailed Dr. Feeman's papers to several and if anyone else wants them, email me at Burpdog@msn.com I have given a set to all my vets
  17. No, I've never seen anything like that (at least that I can remember!). Do you think it may be a bug bite?
  18. Then no, he shouldn't be put down. However, you have an aging dog, a powerful dog and the issues that may come up due to this need to be addressed. If this is a nice dog and nice people, perhaps you can help them. I wonder if the woman is afraid of him "just because". Do you know how long they have owned him?
  19. Really? Why? Will you come while I walk my dogs and make sure the strays don't attack them/me?
  20. I'm going to ask again: is this the first bite? Everyone is assuming so. Perhaps there is a history and that is why the wife is saying what she is saying. Must the rot be walked or do they have a secure fenced in area?
  21. Solid Gold makes canned tripe if you know someone who carries their food.
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