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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sending sympathy and hugs.
  2. Has she been tested for any of the fungus (don't know what plural of fungus is--fungi?) TBDs? There have been several greys up in WI that had fungal issues. Have you emailed Ohio State for an opinion? Sending prayers!
  3. Time--it hasn't been very long. Mizzy had an unset broken hock and she lifts it on occassion when standing (especially when it's rainy). Chiropractic treatments have helped a lot. Also Joint Health and Fresh Factors.
  4. Do a urine culture if nothing shows at the vet office. Anything is possible, but I've not had greys react with increased thirst from eye drops. I know my guys have increased water consumption since it got so hot the last few weeks. Can you try a different food? Any chance the food changed formula wise? Are you using filtered water?
  5. If you have a specialist near, I'd take him there for his eye. Also, have a urine specimen done. Could be the eye drops and increased drinking are unrelated and he has a UTI.
  6. Here is another good link for odd worms: CAPC
  7. Not familar with the ingredients. I've emailed vet to see what she says.
  8. I still am not sure why the two worm meds. Drontal gets tape, hook, whip & roundworm. What other worm did she have? I'm glad she is better.
  9. I'd let her have water. She needs to have enough to counteract the pred effect on the kidneys. Be careful with ice--it can aggravate the colon. Glad she is better!!!
  10. With all of my old ones, none have had injections (my vets refuse to do them). They have been managed with chondroitin (Fresh Factors), MSM, chiropractic and acupuncture
  11. I have never heard of using Drontal and pancur at the same time. Call the vet and ask. Get some acidolphillus pills for her. Did you give the worm meds with food?
  12. Here are the links for Soda's problems and resolutions. He did have acupuncture for several months to get him stable. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...343&hl=Soda
  13. The places where he is red: do they touch they grass?
  14. Burpdog

    Good Bye Mae Mae

    Sending my sympathy to all who loves her What a character! I'm glad she had some home time
  15. Sending prayers. Not sure about treatment western but acupuncture should help.
  16. Is this the clinic that has an acupuncture vet there? (seems to me one of them did) If so, getting treatments will help with his anxiety and healing. Sending prayers.
  17. Please do. If it is becoming more prevelant there, and there are some Irish greys sent here, it would be nice to have a test not quite so expensive as a MRI to diagnose this! I wonder if it is what we call lung worm here?
  18. Sending prayers! At least they are there with him. Hopefully he will leave it alone. They can rip those things out in less than a minute!
  19. How odd! Is an MRI the only way to diagnose this? Hopefully he will be better soon.
  20. run like the wind sweet one!
  21. You must really be in the sticks Do the vets in your are treat a lot of greyhounds? Before greyhounds, none of my dogs needed or got a dental <sigh> and I scaled them. Unless you have severe disease going on, it should be ok. How far would you have to travel to find a vet that is up to date?
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