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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Oh No! I am so sorry The "special" ones are so much larger than life, they never seem to stay as long, as if they burn through their time faster than normal.
  2. I don't know where he is from, but if he has spent any time in the SW or CA, ask for a Valley Fever test, VF can look a lot like osteo on x-rays.
  3. Conner has multiple cause gimpiness, but his main issue is a sore shoulder resulting from an old foot injury on the opposite side that threw his gait off. He is on gabapentin and sees a chiropractor. You want to be careful and see an animal qualified chiro, because it can help in some cases, but make things worse in others. Honestly, in your case I think a chiropractor might not help, but if there is one in your area it wouldn't hurt to ask. Acupuncture might help as well.
  4. Cats eat a very high protein diet (obligate carnivores), another reason it is so appealing Fletcher picked up a nasty case of giardia from feral cat poop. They are really fast when they go after those treats, but I'd stop her from doing it as much as possible, because you never know what nasties might be in there.
  5. I am using the Soresto collars as well. My vet is using them on a client who has severely compromised kidneys with no adverse effects. Of corse, there is no guarantee that any individual dog might not have a reaction, but with the collars, if they do have a reaction you can take the collar off. Personally, I have never heard of a holistic remedy that really works, and I would not want to risk a TBD.
  6. Glad the surgery went well and for a quick and uneventful healing! Val is seeing the Dr on the 19th, soonest we could do it with conflicting schedules.
  7. I don't know if your dog park is privately owned, or run by the city, or something else, but sometimes you can "reserve" the park for a group for an hour or so. You might see if this is possible and if some of the other greyhound owners in the area would be interested in doing this.
  8. He sounds like a special, sweet boy. I am so sorry
  9. You have made a lot of progress in a short time! I think the dog park would be ok as long as you are only there with a few dogs that he knows, and leave if it looks like it is going to get crowded, but it is still a risk, things can change so quickly.
  10. I am so sorry I remember when she came home to you
  11. I am going through something similar with Val, although "only" since the beginning of the year. She is going in on the 19th for more x-rays and a probable amputation. Sigh.
  12. such a sweet face! I wish she could tell us her story
  13. All of our dogs are special to us, but Taylor was special to everybody. He was such an inspiration and we are all better for "knowing" him, thank you for sharing him. As others have said, there are no words for the pain, but I have always found comfort in the poem Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep. Taylor will always be with you. Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die. Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/do-not-stand-by-my-grave-and-weep
  14. knew this day was coming, but it always comes too soon
  15. Poor little girl, I am glad she got to know a happy home after the bad one.
  16. There is a vet in Phoenix who does the non-anesthesia dental. This is NOT a substitute for a vet dental, but if your dog won't let you brush his teeth, it can help get the surface gunk off. The tech who does the actual work started this because she had a greyhound with bad teeth I will post the link.
  17. How sad that you did not have more time!
  18. :yay you must be very relieved! I think a consult with the chiro is a good idea, it has helped Conner with his shoulder limp quite a lot.
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