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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I just have one room (bedroom) that is the "cat room" It has a baby gate installed 8"-10" above the floor so the cats can run under it but too low for a greyhound to crawl under. Well, a really determined hunter could try and crawl under (foster who lied on her cat test) but most dogs wouldn't bother. It keeps the dogs out of the cat food and litter boxes
  2. The acupuncturist recommended a TCM called Body Sore, it is more of a pain med than an anti-inflammatory, I think. Sugar wouldn't take it, but one of my current dogs who has numerous arthritis/mobility issues takes it and it helps.
  3. Probably she has just relaxed enough in your home for her personality to start opening up. She sounds like she is just curious, and can definitely learn that the kitty is off limits. For now, I would keep them separated when you are not home, just a precaution, and keep on with the treats like you have been doing. I had a “cat workable” hound who was always very aware of the cats, but learned that the cats indoor were untouchables Outside is a totally different matter. I would never let the cat outside with the dog.
  4. I am so sorry I guess Bruno and Bosco just needed to be together
  5. Once she was as good as she was going to get, we went monthly. Tried stretching it to 6 weeks once, but she started to go downhill, so we went back to monthly, that seemed to be often enough for her to maintain.
  6. My first grey started having disc issues (lower back) and acupuncture really helped her. She went from barely being able to stand to about 85%-90% normal mobility in about a month and stayed that way until she passed. Now, she was 11 when this started and had a heart condition, so she was already not very active but it is something to consider.
  7. I am so sorry, and especially sad that had to lose two so close together
  8. I think Petra used CBD oil for Cara with some success. For awhile. I’ve never been through this with a dog but I currently have a cat with dementia, it is very stressful to live with
  9. I am so sorry sometimes the quiet ones leave a surprisingly big hole in your heart when they leave.
  10. Val’s recent dental was around $800, but she lost 7 teeth. Conner went to a specialist last summer, which included an anesthesiologist monitoring him during the entire procedure. He lost 18? teeth. It was pricy, but worth it for my peace of mind since Conner is 12.5.
  11. Thankfully the people on my street that “did” fireworks moved, don’t know about the new neighbors, but fingers are crossed. I wish the idiots would blow a few fingers off. I know that sounds harsh, but setting off fireworks at home is dangerous and stupid, I figure anyone who does that is a slow learner.
  12. Dogs may live in the moment, but they do remember. Probably Lola was a little off for a few days after the fireworks, wondering if they were going to go off again I hope they don’t do it again soon, but plan ahead for New Year’s Eve. Morons who set off fireworks usually do it on that night.
  13. Thanks everyone, sounds like we are all on about the same page. Conner doesn't get anything but rabies, he is never boarded anywhere but Chez Rocket, he only goes to the groomer for nails (and he has never asked for any vaccination proof). His risk of expose is very very low, so I think we will be skipping the rabies.
  14. What do yall think? Conner will be 13 in April, and to get his license he will need a rabies vaccination in Feb. I would really rather not, although there has been a rabies outbreak in the wildlife in the Superstitions. Hes very unlikely to come into contact with an infected animal, but still. I am waiting to hear what his vet thinks, but I thought Id see what GT thought.
  15. congratulations! Rosie is a beauty and she and Storm are so cute together
  16. Broodies are the best, so calm, but still with plenty of play in them! Looking forward to hearing more about your girl.
  17. I am so sorry. You were so lucky to have had her for so long, but of course, 14 days or 14 years, it is never long enough.
  18. I think some dogs do lick out of boredom or stress, and then they discover it feels good and it becomes a habit. Not really a problem except when they lick a place raw (hot spot) You can try spraying the area with something like Bitter Apple, when it has healed of course. When the spot is raw, you might try EMT gel, it covers the open wound and doesn’t taste very good I am told.
  19. I am so sorry this didn’t have a better outcome
  20. Good to know. So far Velveeta is still working for us, with the occasional mini peanut butter sammig, but I imagine poor Bruno is getting a lot more pills than Im passing out here
  21. My old girl had a similar sounding situation (except no bacterial infection) Acupuncture was a literal life saver for her. Drugs got her moving a bit short term, acupuncture takes a while to work, but she got back about 80% mobility, good enough for a decent quality of life. for Sophie
  22. Remolacha


    She was so beautiful, such a special girl I am so sorry
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