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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. When Sugar was being picky, one thing she never turned down was vanilla Ensure. I shuddered when I read the ingredients, but it gave her some calories and something in her stomach. Usually, she would take the Ensure and either a turkey neck, or some cat kibble (she is raw fed, so kibble is a "treat" ). Not a good diet long term, but it got her through the rough patches.
  2. I thought it sounded interesting after reading an article in WDJ, but I wonder how you keep it from getting all over everything unless you bandage.
  3. I am glad Monty is feeling ok, that peroxide is nasty stuff! I have a soft spot for Monty, he reminds me of my Fletcher, poster boys for the short bus tribe
  4. Fletcher had a nasty case (I think he got it from eating feral cat poop ) Flagyl knocked it back temporarily, but Panacur got it for good! None of the rest of us (cats, dog, human) got it, but none of the rest of us are poop eaters
  5. arthritis. I don't know if they are more prone to it than other old dogs, but it seems quite common. They may not show symptoms at first, other than slowing down, hesitating when getting up and down, stuff like that. If you haven't already started him on a glucosamine supplement, it would probably be good for him, and wouldn't hurt , even if he doesn't have arthritis.
  6. I am just seeing this, I am so sorry! You know Jane best, what ever you decide will be the right thing.
  7. Sugar lays down for hers. They provide a blanket, but I bring an extra quilted meet & greet mat for her old bones The vet said she's had a few dogs who prefer to stand, but most lie down, she leaves it up to the dog. The first time, Sugar got a little restless towards the end, now she justs lays there, about half asleep. The vet says she has done cats, rabbits and ferrets as well can't imagine any of them just lying there!
  8. I looove to see pictures of Darcy "blowing in the wind"
  9. He looks great! Looks like he is going to be one of the success stories
  10. what a cute little face!
  11. I am glad to here he came through the surgery ok! I hope he gets to come home and is back to his playful puppy self soon! (age is all in the mind )
  12. Sugar has a heart murmur, first diagnosed a couple of years ago. She was on fairly low doses of Enalapril and Lasix because she did have symptoms, but once on the meds, she was fine. I did take her to a cardiologist this summer as the symptoms had returned, and her heart disease had gotten worse, but with an increase in the dosage of her meds (and the addition of a new one), she is again symtom free and as active as her arthritis will allow. She was 10 when diagnosed, and is 12 now. So, don't be scared, you may not even need to give meds, and even if it is bad, it is quite managable
  13. It really sounds like Carrier is feeling great! May he continue to feel good for a long time to come
  14. Sugar has back end "issues" which she makes worse when she moves the wrong way and pinches a nerve in her bony back. That's not exactly the scientific explanation , but the point is, acupuncture has helped her enormously! She is still on pain meds for her arthritis, but she can move around almost normally. I would get the acupuncture and chiro, especially since it is available at your regular vet. The thing is, as he starts to feel better, he could (likely will) re-injure himself.
  15. for Sebau. Sugar is 12, and really started showing old age symptoms this summer. She also likes the firmer beds. Her arthritis is pretty bad, so walks are out, but she does still, on occasion, run around the back yard The only things I would add are, if you think you might want to have use a ramp, start getting her used to it now! Sugar refuses to set foot on the ramp I bought, but maybe if I'd gotten her used to it when she was steadier on her feet, I am keeping it and training Fletcher to use it, because while I can lift a 60 lb dog, a 90 pounder is another story! So, train all your dogs to use the ramp while you're at it The other thing is, Sugar has begun to have accidents in her bed at night. I have a dog door, and she uses it, but I think at night she is either so sound asleep she doesn't realize what she's doing, or in the struggle to get up, she looses control of her bladder, maybe both. (She would be mortified to know I was telling people this!) So, now all the dog beds have those washable pads under the top blankie. All I have to wash is the blankie and the pad(s), not the whole dog bed. Much easier! I was told about a place that sells the ones hospitals and nursing homes use for people. They sell new and used, the used ones (much cheaper) are a little worn, and slightly stained, but they have been sterilized, and work great for us.
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