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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I've never had to deal with this in dogs, but the sub-q fluids really helped slow down the progress of the kidney disease in my cat. I'm glad Alan is still feeling good.
  2. I'm glad he's eating It will be slow, but I am sure now that he is home he will recover!
  3. It is so hard when they are still "there". Their body can't keep up with their spirit I am so sorry
  4. Oh no! Poor Joe I am sure Nurse Pipi-Francine will make everything better!
  5. Glad he gets to come home! When we had to carry Sugar into the vets, the tech and I just lifted her whole bed, used it like a stretcher. She looked a little but didn't say anything.
  6. eeewww, poor Huston! I hope everything is ok now.
  7. Miss Echo take it easy sweetie! Plenty of time for zoomies when the ice melts
  8. Alan glad to hear he had a good report! Ethel Kitty, aka La Rotunda, sends diet sympathies
  9. I would expect nothing less of Darcy! Glad the vets have confirmed
  10. I am glad the surgery is over, and they got it all. Poor baby, I hope he starts feeling better soon.
  11. I am so sorry Heartbreaking for you, but the kindest way to go for him
  12. Sugar has been on Metacam for a year or longer (can't remember) for her arthritis. Since it has gotten so much worse in the last few months, I've added Tramadol. I have learned by watching her when she is starting to feel worse. She hunches up her back a bit (part of her problem is in her spine), and walks funny. Best I can describe it, she keeps her back feet closer together than normal, and walks like she is trying to limp on both back lags at the same time. When she is feeling better, her whole body is more relaxed, she moves in a more easy, flowing manor, not all tense and jerky. It is all very subtle and of course, Loca may react entirely differently! I've looked at Traumeel, I wonder if it would react with Sugar's heart meds?
  13. Fletcher had something similar a couple of months ago. He has IBS, so he is prone to digestive upsets. A round of Metronidazole cleared him up, but his poop was very soft, a lighter color than usual, and smelled so bad that even the vet tech was holding the sample out at arm's length I hope Tucker starts feeling better.
  14. I am so sorry! I hope once they remove the lump that will be the end of it!
  15. I am so sorry! Your son is right, seniors are "the bomb!"
  16. I am so glad to hear there was no cancer! Acupuncture has helped Sugar a lot with her pain from arthritis and a pinched nerve.
  17. I'm sorry the chemo is rough for her I know what it's like to try and get them to eat
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