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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Sounds promising! I am glad the Metacam is working for her, it helped Sugar a lot.
  2. I hope Alan's tummy has settled down. When Fletcher's IBD flares up, it usually takes 2-3 days to get back to normal, but it can take longer. I can usually tell it's coming, first there is the rumbly tummy noises, then He does get yogurt w/every meal, it seems to help.
  3. I didn't really like the spray, I'm not sure why. I guess because the thing that set EMT Gel apart (to me) is the way it forms that nice flexible coating on the wound, and the spray didn't do that. There are other people here that do like the spray, though. I *think* I got it from Omaha Vaccine, I don't remember for sure. Now we have a Bass Pro and a Cabela's in the area, so I'll probably go there next time
  4. According to my bottle, Vetmedin and pimobendan are the same thing. Sugar has been on it for about 6 months, one and a half 5mg tablets, twice a day. It does seem to be helping, and I didn't notice any side effects. Her cardiologist did warn me that it can cause sudden heart failure, but I thought it was worth the risk, and if it happened, that would be a better way to go than a slow death. Just my choice for my dog.
  5. she'll be fine she'll be fine she'll be fine
  6. what a beautiful white face!
  7. You broke your arm? (pauses to shake head) You are so overdue for some good luck! continuing chanting for Loca (and you)
  8. Pepcid (or the generic, much cheaper ) works better for Sugar. On the other hand, Zantac works better for me so I have both on hand.
  9. Sugar takes her thyroid meds twice a day (don't remember the dose, it's at home). She had no symptoms, low thyroid showed up in a blood test (yes, my vet is grey savy). I was also told, 4-5 hrs after eating for the test.
  10. Dasequin is still pretty new, and not carried by a lot of online places. The two I've used don't carry it yet, but I just Google it and then look for the best price Since I am buying a name brand, I only have to worry if the seller is reliable. Nearly everyone carries Cosequin DS, made by the same people. I've used HealthyPets.com for that.
  11. If he has arthritis, he should be on a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement of some kind. You might want to start with Greyhound Gang's Get Up and Go or Springtime's Joint Health. Sugar has some spine issues, along with arthritis, and she has been on Metacam long term, it is supposed to be not as hard on the liver. She has moved on to more serious stuff, but she is 12
  12. Sugar takes Dasuquin, http://www.nutramaxlabs.com/products/anima...uquin/index.asp, made for dogs. It's more expensive than Claudia's Get Up and Go, but works better for Sugar. You can get it from online vet-med places for much cheaper than the vet! (used to be only available through the vet)
  13. I know there are "issues" with pred, but it's been a wonder drug for us. Check with your vet (not sure about interactions with chemo drugs), but if he says ok, be sure to add probiotics, yogurt, or something like that while she's on all this other stuff to help keep her gut in order
  14. good news! I have to go along with the rest and say, keep her food, add supplements. glad to hear she won't need surgery!
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