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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I have a big (90 lbs) boy who is not so much prey-drive motivated as "I hate other dogs" motivated, but his reaction is the same. I use a harness, much better control than a collar, and he is less likely to hurt himself. I also have a leash with a "handle", so I can keep him close if I need to. I try to walk at times when there are less likely to be distractions, I am hyper alert to everything around us, and I muzzle him so he doesn't take out his redirected aggression on my other dogs. Once he sees a strange dog, he is oblivious to treats, my voice, or anything else. This makes him sound like a monster, but really, most of the time he is a happy dog and we walk along on a relaxed leash. He has gotten a little better, but he will always be reactive to other dogs. Your foster will probably get better over time too, but you will always have to be alert.
  2. hoping it is just a pulled muscle! Remember, too, that at his age, and with his other issues, even a pulled muscle will probably take longer to heal, but it will heal!
  3. she will feel so much better once her bad teeth are taken care of!
  4. :yay :yay the Arnica gel should no problem if she licks it.
  5. This is more my style, too. But, I do have to admit I pick up the yard every day so I can keep tabs on the erm, output and I could never have anyone else do pick-up, how could I be sure they were really checking
  6. glad to hear she appears to be stabilizing ! hoping she continues to improve and can come home soon. I have been lax in my 'wait' training at the door, but this was a wake-up call for me to get back on it. :candle
  7. I think that's great! A greyhound wins a sitting game Good girl Beth
  8. I hope the surgery goes well and the recovery is uneventful!
  9. I am so glad to hear handsome Robin is doing better! I give Fletcher a milk thistle capsule every day because he is on regular pain meds for his arthritis. SAMe is good too, but much more expensive, and it gave Fletcher bad poop, but he has IBD.
  10. Molly the drama queen has torn three dew claws in two years I only bandage if the claw is still hanging on by a thread. It usually drops off in a day or two. I like EMT gel, but the new neosporin spray is easy to use (I don't like the EMT spray) Just keep an eye on it for infection.
  11. My bouncy, happy, inquisitive kitty girl is gone. She was the smallest cat I ever had, 8 1/2 lbs at the most. She reminded me of a hummingbird, always dashing around, jumping up on things. If you were looking for her, the first place to look was up. She didn't mind the dogs, and they never chased her, as active as she was. She wasn't big on being petted, but always slept snuggled up to me at night. This one is hard, coming not quite two months after losing Silk, and very unexpected. She quit eating last week, and when I took her to the vet on Saturday, she found a large (huge) tumor on one of her kidneys. She was also very anemic, so the vet suspected it was bleeding. Today she let me know she was ready. I could have kept her for a few more days, but that would have been just for me. Better a day too soon, even if it tears your heart out.
  12. So glad to hear she is doing better this morning! Sounds good for her to make a complete recovery
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