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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Salmon is fine but I usually give canned sardines, they are cheaper, and mine don't really like raw fish (the slimy factor again). Pork, I buy what's on sale, usually boneless except for ribs. Pork can be rich, so I don't feed it more often than a couple of times a month. OTOH, I have a friend with a Coonhound who feeds pork than any other meat because that's what Ruth likes and does best on.
  2. Their diets sound pretty good, you've got poultry, beef, and fish covered . You might want to try some turkey and pork occasionally for variety (if they can tolerate it). Another good thing to add for "trace" stuff is green tripe. I prefer the frozen stuff, but you might find canned easier to deal with. It stinks, but I've gotten used to it over time. One warning, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, heat it up! The smell is beyond dead body disgusting! There are so many things Fletcher can't eat that I worry too, but he's been on raw for six years and robustly healthy. The only supplement type thing he gets is Fresh Factors & Joint Health for his arthritis, which might have some micro-nutrients as well. None of mine will eat raw liver, from any animal. They don't seem to like the "slimy" texture, so I saute a bunch at one time and freeze it so I can dole it out in small amounts over time. I hate liver myself, what we do for these dogs
  3. I am sorry to hear this, but don't beat yourself up about the trip to Dewey. Dogs live in the moment, and it sounds like she had a great time in Dewey.
  4. Well, this bandage isn't huge, although the vet said she kept trying to shake it off Ten days to two weeks would be "optimal", but even a week will help. At least she should feel better. I know this injury isn't uncommon for greys (those long bony feet).
  5. :yay I don't know what all you have tried, but: green tripe, baby food, stinky cat food (wet), deli meat, turkey hot dogs
  6. Well, unfortunately, Sallie's paw did NOT get better over the weekend, so I took her in this morning. Broken toe Vet showed me the xray, it looks pretty nasty, and I know it's sore. Poor little girl. Vet is putting a foam bandage on it, wants to try and stabilize it for a few days. She says, it's like a boot for a person. So I go and pick her up at lunch time. I hope they give her good drugs
  7. you are right, Mittens doesn't know she has cancer, so as long as she is happy, that's what counts (hard on you, though, because you do know)
  8. I went over that whole side, hip, knee, everything pretty carefully last night, and again this morning. She really only seems to be sensitive with the foot. She will put the foot down when standing, and sometimes steps (limps) on it to walk. In fact, this morning she is mostly limping, not much hopping. It is clearly sore and she doesn't want to put weight on it, but I really think it is a foot/toe problem. Fletcher was gimping around earlier in the week with a sore/swollen paw, but his resolved in less than 24 hrs (he's such a klutz) It's been a week, though edited to add, it is *maybe* slightly swollen, not at all like Fletcher's was earlier this week, or Molly's was when she broke her toe.
  9. I have Tramadol, I gave her one last night and it seemed to help. No problem restricting activity! She has only gotten up to eat, and go out this morning for a potty break (fenced yard, dog door) I am inclined to wait, just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks!
  10. Last night Sallie hurt her foot somehow. When I came home from work, she was fine, doing her part in the "mom's home" frenzy. Part of that involves everyone running in and out through the dog door. So, I was putting my stuff away and heard her yelp. I turned around and she was standing in the kitchen, holding up her back (right) foot. I checked it over, no blood, no sharp objects embedded, no obviously broken bones. I got everybody fed and checked her over again more closely, still nothing obvious, so I decided no e-vet. This morning I was hoping she would be better. She's not, really, still limping/hopping, although she will put it down when she stands. So, I am not sure if I should take her to the vet or not. Still no obvious injury, so I am guessing a sprained or fractured toe, or a soft tissue injury. Which the vet can't really do anything for. Take her in? Give her some pain meds and wait and see?
  11. How old is she? Not that that really matters, some two year olds are couch potatoes and some 8 yr olds are still puppies Just count your blessings that she is a well adjusted, calm natured dog
  12. hoping there is a lot more eating, sleeping, and tickling for him!
  13. It's always scary when the oldies have to "go under". She will feel much better with out that nasty corn. I know, I am dealing with one on the bottom of my own foot, and it hurts!
  14. I am so sorry, what a terrible shock!
  15. I am sorry Flash didn't get better news
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