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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I feed twice a day because my male has IBD, and I don't think he would do well on a once a day plan. He eats a little over 1 lb a meal, but I said 2 lbs a day. One of the girls is 60 lbs, and one is 70 lbs, but the bigger girl is built like a tank, so in order to keep her from getting fat, they both eat almost the same amount, around 1 1/2 lbs for the day.
  2. I had a grey who hated pooping on leash (peeing/marking/leaving p-mail, whole other story!) In fact she was bounced from her first home because of it, they had no yard. She was very timid and shy. I took her on a trip to California, and was able to take her out very early in the morning and late at night when there were few other people or dogs around. She (eventually) did go. I'd try taking them at quiet times, and keep walking
  3. Rose was beautiful, I am so sorry she didn't get to enjoy a longer life
  4. He sired one of Molly's litters, and I just met one of the girls from that litter last weekend.
  5. What a handsome fellow, I am so sorry
  6. Never had it happen with a dog (yet), but Silk the Kitteh did this for about the last three years of his life. Most of the time, he didn't notice, or would look at it like "Where did that come from?" I don't think there is anything you can do to stop it, not sure what you can do so she is not embarrassed (cats are never embarrassed).
  7. I am sorry you still don't have an answer I wouldn't leave him overnight of there is no staff there. I hope this turns out to be just some weird episode, soon over
  8. I'm sorry June Bug (great name ) hurt herself playing! Sugar used to give herself soft tissue injuries all the time, before her arthritis and bad heart stopped her running They would take anywhere from a couple of days up to two weeks to heal.
  9. Sugar was on Vetmedin, it really improved her heart condition too!
  10. I am glad you know what you are dealing with now. hoping he starts to feel better soon!
  11. I'm sorry, no advice, just good thoughts for Buddy.
  12. Just wanted to add, I didn't want to go to daily Metacam for Fletcher's arthritis, but he can't go more than a day or two without some form of pain relief, so I have been giving him a Tramadol tablet twice a day, plus milk thistle. So far, it is working.
  13. A harness will help you help him, if he is ok with being helped. Some dogs don't mind, some hate it. There is a lady in Fla who makes them, custim fit for your dog, or PetsMart carries one that might work, but the premade ones often don't fit greyhounds very well. I don't know if this is possible in your area, but acupuncture really helped Sugar when her backend was weak. James
  14. did the x-rays include his spine? I had an older girl who had arthritis and was on supplements (and pain meds), but started walking funny. Best description I could come up with was she looked like she was trying to limp on both back legs at the same time. As best as I recall, the non technical description was the "cushion" part of some of the vertebrae in her spine was wearing out, and the bone rubbing and putting pressure on the nerves (I am paraphrasing ) At any rate, what helped her the most, although it took about 6 weeks to take full effect, was acupuncture. Hers was not LS, but has he been checked for that?
  15. Dazie is so pretty! Glad to hear she is doing better, hope she gets to come home soon
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