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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. what an expressive face! I am so sorry
  2. Absolutely! I know when they are "off", and my vet bless her, always listens. She says I know my kids better than anyone.
  3. I am thinking about trying it for Fletcher. He is getting a little flaky... let me rephrase that, his skin is getting a little flaky (his personality will always be a little flaky, no oil can cure that ) and he doesn't tolerate any kind of fish oil. How much do you give?
  4. for Gee. It's amazing what a difference a couple of bad teeth can make! and for arthritis
  5. sorry you don't have an answer yet for a good report
  6. I am so sorry, this is never easy, and to have to go through it again so soon is just horrible
  7. seizures are so scary, sounds like you handled things very well very likely, you will never know what caused it, and I hope she will never have another one!
  8. I am so sorry, she was a lovely lady
  9. I am so sorry, I wish there was more I could do. I agree with upping the pain meds.
  10. I've always stayed away from cedar filling for the beds (dogs, cats, & rabbits) because of the allergic reaction potential, so I don't really know if I've ever had one I do know I am highly allergic to cedar.
  11. That sounds kind of like what Sugar would do, I described it to the vet as her trying to limp on both back legs. She had some spinal problems, as I recall, the vet said a couple of vertabrae were hurting her. Short term pred fixed her up, and long term, acupuncture really helped (she was 11). I hope Sunscreen Man is fixable
  12. I am at work, so couldn't be on when the bells were rung, but wanted to add Braden Rachel Martin Pudge go in peace
  13. What a beautiful girl, I am so sorry for your loss
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