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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Sadie I am going through this right now with one of my cats. Ethel had a dental a couple of weeks ago, and lost four teeth. Last week, an abcess popped up under her chin. We are trying antibiotics and she is clearly feeling better, but I am afraid the tooth (the last one on that side) will have to come out. I don't want her to go under again so soon, but I guess we'll have to
  2. Poor Ruby I hope it turns out to be something minor!
  3. Remolacha


    I am so sorry
  4. Those are very nice turds and the new flavor
  5. Remolacha


    What a handsome boy, I am so sorry
  6. I am so sorry Good for him that it was quick, but so very hard for you. I know how hard it is to loose your sleeping buddy
  7. Remolacha


    Oh No! Trudy I am so sorry
  8. If you can't find another raw feeder to take them, I'd (reluctantly) toss them. I've fed them a few times, they look weirdly like human hearts
  9. You mentioned acupuncture, so I just wanted to add, whatever you decide, acupuncture can help. One of my dogs had acupuncture (for a non-cancer condition), and her vet was primarily an oncologist who learned acupuncture to help her cancer patients.
  10. I am glad Jack is "back". I would worry, too, about what will happen, but you really don't know what the future will bring, and at least you know what to watch for if Ruby does leave before Jack.
  11. I hate those "no choice" situations I don't have any experience with this, so I'll just send for you and Chase.
  12. I have no advice, just I am so sorry you didn't get better news.
  13. never heard of that one! let us know what the dogs think
  14. (I thought maybe Burpdogs had a new flavor ... )
  15. If you have any "ethnic" markets, they often have beef heart and other organ meats. Food City (Hispanic) and Lee Lee's (Chinese) here are much cheaper than Safeway.
  16. low fat is not necessarily an IBD requirement, unless you know that is a problem for your dog. Finding kibble without chicken can be a challenge! Wellness makes a "Simple" line with limited ingredients, and Nature's Variety also has kibble with non standard ingredients. I'm not sure about the fat % for either, though.
  17. I am so sorry, but it sounds like L.B. had a good life
  18. Glad to hear nothing bad was found! Based on how he seems to blast around the yard (from the pictures) it sounds like he just strained or tweaked something in his good leg. Maybe some acupuncture to strengthen it?
  19. Yes, if it isn't too expensive. I bought a case once (much cheaper). A 25 lb case (approx.) had three hearts, those suckers are huge Which makes sense, when you think about the size of the animal they come from. Cutting them up was a major pain in the butt, and pretty gross, even though I am used to dealing with "parts". I decided that was one thing I would pay the extra money for someone else to do the work!
  20. I had heard recently that Pfizer had discontinued the vaccine. My vet said she recommended it to some clients (when it first came out) but she didn't recommend it for GHs. She didn't say why, and I didn't ask since I wasn't interested in getting anyway. http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/vet-dept/canine-practice/pfizer-introduces-vaccine-to-prevent-canine-periodontitis.aspx
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