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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. oowie, poor Beth looks good, though, hope she continues to leave it alone.
  2. Remolacha


    I am so sorry, she is beautiful That first picture is classic
  3. I am so sorry, it has been a bad week for you Those kitties are small, but they leave a huge hole in your heart
  4. stole this link that Jeff posted in Jilly Bean's thread http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=KONG+Cloud+E-Collar&x=0&y=0
  5. It's been awhile, but I lived in Alabama as a kid (for a few years) and I recall hookworms being pretty well indigenous in the soil, so I think you want something for that. I know Heartguard doesn't prevent them, but it suppresses them if your dog is infected. I am sure more knowledgeable people will have opinions
  6. Glad to hear she is out of surgery! You know, I used to say someday I wanted a Saluki, but what I really want is a Nola. Hmmm, a new designer breed (ducking and running )
  7. I am sorry there is still no diagnosis for Ozzie, but it sounds like he is getting the best possible care I hope they can find some answers and it is treatable. Good news on the "probably no cancer"!
  8. Hoping Merlin gets a good report from the ultrasound (no badness!) As you are discovering, once they start with the tummy issues, it is trial and error to see what works and what doesn't. Seems like every dog is different!
  9. Did you get x-rays of the spine as well as the legs? I ask because Molly has been limping off and on for a week +, and hers is being caused by a compressed disc in her neck. She's limping on her front left, but her back left knuckles under when the pain is bad.
  10. Glad to hear this, my order should come this week. I can give the rest of the hard ones to Fletcher, he swallows them without chewing anyway
  11. hoping it is nothing serious! we usually tell adopters that greys live 12-14 yrs, but obviously it varies greatly.
  12. Molly hurt her neck, about a week ago. Went to the vet, she got a shot and some prednisone, a few days later she was close to 100% well (apparently) Then, on Saturday, she seemed to hurt again, but not as bad as before. I gave her a Tramadol, and some more on Sunday, and she seemed fine again. Tonight, she came into the living room, hurt again. Limping, panting, can't get comfortable. I had given her a Tramadol after dinner (around 6), but I knew she hadn't had the max amount, so I gave her another one. It helped, some, but she is still panting and in some pain. We already have an appointment for tomorrow morning, but is there anything more I can do for her tonight? I can take her to the e-vet if I have to, but I don't know what they could do?
  13. and they have free shipping for the month of April
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