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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. The first couple of days are the worst, things should start to improve now. Great that he is eating! hope this takes care of the pain.
  2. There are many on here that can give you advice, unfortunately I didn't find out Charley had osteo until she broke her leg, so there were no decisions to be made about treatment. I am surprised your vet said Taylor would not be a good candidate for amputation given his young age. I also would recommend a lung x-ray, your treatment options will be affected by whether or not the cancer is in his lungs. I am so very sorry
  3. That never made any sense to me, one thing digesting faster than another. Plus, most racing kennels feed a combination of kibble and raw ground beef, as well as other things, and those dogs seem to do just fine!
  4. Glad he is home, I know he feels better being home!
  5. I am sorry he didn't get to come home tonight, but he is in the safest place for now. Looking forward to a welcome home update tomorrow!
  6. I understand about being overly cautious with the cat/grey introduction, I was paranoid with my first grey I just brought home a new dog over the weekend, so this is fresh for me. I would muzzle your grey, put him on leash, and let your cat walk around in the room. If your grey shows little or no interest in the cat (some curiosity is normal), the next "trial" you can drop the leash (but leave it attached) and see how they interact. Having a confident cat is a huge plus, and I assume you got a dog that was tested as cat "safe". It is always good to be cautious though, each cat and each new situation is different. As for the growling, I agree that he was probably uncertain or frightened. A growl is a warning, and I do not correct for that. Also, while the man may have been perfectly harmless, I always trust my dog's instincts. Greyhounds as a breed are not known to be protective, but some individuals are, my Fletcher was very protective of me and his girls. Sounds like things are going well! Congratulations!
  7. Sallie lost all her upper molars a couple of years ago (and one canine) so I feed her mostly ground raw. When I do give her something that has to be chewed, like a hard cookie or s turkey neck, I cut/break it into fairly small pieces and she seems to handle it just fine. It takes her longer, and she drools a lot, but it doesn't seem to bother her. It may just be a little too soon for Violet.
  8. I never thought of it that way, but you are right, a lot of things we think of as "greyhound specific" are puppy class issues And greyhounds can learn perfectly good recall, some dogs just get it easier, but that is true of any dog.
  9. The key things I would like to see are wait/stay, resource guarding, and recall. None of these are really greyhound specific in themselves, but I think maybe more emphasis on these for greyhounds over some other breeds (or mixes). And skip the sit! Some of my greys could/can sit, but only one did it comfortably
  10. I am so sorry for your loss, and sorry you couldn't be with her
  11. When Molly was not eating because of chemo last year we tried mirtazapine (Remaron) as an appetite stimulant, but I can't say if it worked because I stopped the chemo and she started eating again. She also had prescriptions for metoclopramide and ondansetron for nausea. I don't know if Leia's feeling nauseous, if she is it might be why she eats something for a few days then refuses it.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful legacy she left
  13. I am so sorry I lost my Charley to cancer one month ago today.
  14. oh yeah, she looks like a "Tallulah" :beatheart
  15. I always start my fosters on Iams green bag. As Ducky said, pumpkin will help some dogs, be sure it is the plain pumpkin, not the spiced pie filling.
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