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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. I think most of the Japanese vessels are named with a Maru suffix.
  2. http://peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=2&...;articleid=1030
  3. I hope you feel better, sweetheart. (PS: Let mommy play with the supplies in the first aid box - it obviously gives her so much pleasure hopefully she will never have to use it again.)
  4. We had those little nanners in Panama - called 'em finger bananas. They were so sweet.
  5. Thank goodness they were able to repair him. Guess he'll never make it through metal detectors! (Neither do I.)
  6. Stew beef - it's small but not as greasy as ground beef. I just do a quick sear and feed it nearly raw.
  7. Oh, Jackie, no, not sweet Amy. I know you are devastated. Big hugs....
  8. The problem with Gidge is that she now associates rain with thunder and lightning so she panics no matter what it is. If I can get her to lay down long enough for me to put the storm defender cape on, then she is fine. I feel like an idiot trotting along behind her waiting for her to finally cave.
  9. Oh, Eva, I'm so glad you rushed her right in. Poor baby girl must have been so miserable. Prayers for her and for you guys - you need to catch a break!!!
  10. I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry.
  11. Oh, Janet - I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you.
  12. Oh, Audrey, please don't feel that way. You are trying to help your sweet girl. Please keep us posted on her progress, and you keep your chin way up. We are all here for you.
  13. So how are Mr. Tank and Mr. Duke doing?
  14. omg, i love those little worried eyebrows.
  15. Big hugs to you and your sweet girl.
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