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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. Welcome! The Defines are a wonderful, wonderful couple.
  2. This damn cancer is just so freaking awful. I hate it. Tom, my heart breaks with you. Big hugs to you and Althea.
  3. That gorgeous hunk used to run at Gulf, as did his sister, Lauren's Lola. I don't remember the kennel.
  4. She hates Nutritional Yeast. I have a huge can with one dose out of it. Sigh...
  5. We will go one last time. After that, we will be going to our regular vet. I've tried the plate thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  6. Canned? I don't know. I've never given her any canned stuff. I'll check sodium content today when we go shopping.
  7. I've asked her twice aboutt subQT fluids and both times she has said she doesn't want to try it 'yet.' On my next visit I will ask again. She says it will take a long time to administer, etc. I guess my big question is, do we wait until she is nearly dead? I don't get it. After this visit, we will probably use our regular vet for follow-up visits. She is willing to administer the fluids and doesn't understand why Dr. Tate isn't willing to start them now. Dr. Tate is about 45 minutes away. All she does is draw blood and urine. Our vet can do that and is much closer (and probably cheaper, although that is not the issue). Gidge has gained 1 pound back, which is good news. The bad news is she will KNOT eat any of the kidney diet foods. Both vets say the bottom line is to get her to eat. So we boil chicken (one day she will eat it, the next day she won't). We cook ground turkey and/or ground beef (one day she will eat it, the next day she won't). She loves spaghetti, roast beef, roasted chicken, stew beef (one day she will eat it...). I think you get my drift. She is a pee wee so she really can't afford to lose much weight. So we try everything and pray.
  8. Oh, Tam, I'm so sorry. We keep losing our babies. It's just not fair.
  9. They do leave such a huge hole in our hearts, don't they? I'm so sorry.
  10. I don't even have the words. Our first greybaby had osteo in her shoulder, too. I was so hoping that 2009 would be better....
  11. I'm so sorry you lost your little girlie.
  12. greyhoundlov


    I'm so sorry and so ready for 2008 to get the hell outta here.
  13. Oh, no, Judy. I can't believe it. I'm so very, very sorry. We lost our Tigger cat yesterday after nearly 19 years with him. The pain is nearly unbearable. You and hubby are in our thoughts and prayers.
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