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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. I just can't wrap my brain about this. I know you are strong, but this is pushing the limits.... I'm out of words.
  2. Her kidneys "lit up" during the ultrasound. Not good. It could be a really bad UTI but she suspects it is glomerulonephritis. Most dogs do not react well to treatment because of the protein loss. I hope I got that straight. She will be in the hospital tonight and tomorrow night on IV antibiotics & fluids while waiting on the cultures to come back which will probably be Friday. Charlie is fine for now. His procedure will have to wait until next year. He still has 2 weeks left on his antiobiotic treatment. We just spent $1200 on him and Gidge will probably be at least that much. They gave us an estimate of $732 and that was before the hospitalization and IV fluids/antibiotics.
  3. Gidgie is battling kidney disease. We don't know how bad it is yet.
  4. has an appointment tomorrow at the million dollar hospital. Her kidney values are really screwed up and she is losing a lot of protein. She has lost 2 pounds since Nov. 4. Charlie is on hold - he needs to have a laparospic (sp?) biopsy done because the needle biopsy was inconclusive. His stuff last week was nearly $1200. Estimate for this procedure is $900-1400, depending on what they do, and includes another overnight stay. He is doing OK. She is not. She wet her bed last night.
  5. OK, I don't know how much more of this I can take. We are losing way too many of our babies. Bev, you know my heart cries for you.
  6. I have one of those. It would be nice if he would throw up on the floor instead of the dog beds, couch, etc. Good news about both of your babies.
  7. These gentle creatures suffer in ways we will never know. He missed his sissy and needed to be with her and she with him. I'm stunned.
  8. He is with good company, biding his time until he sees you again...
  9. Oh, Cindy, I'm so very sorry. No more pain, sweet boy.
  10. Is Tufts where they overdosed Penny with chemo?
  11. Ah, Missy, what can I say? You know letting her go is the greatest act of love but at the same time you want to keep her for a few seconds/minutes/hours more. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do for any of my babies but not doing it is cruel. I tell them it's OK to let go and that I'll see them again.... My heart and thoughts are with you. Please give her a gentle kiss and hug from me and Gidge.
  12. Cherish the time you have with your baby. I would give anything to have Freddie back, clingy and all.
  13. greyhoundlov


    I don't even have words anymore....
  14. greyhoundlov


    No more pain, sweet girl.
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