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Everything posted by Mercsmom

  1. On hot days, during our pre-dinner walk, Jupiter will lead me straight to the vacant lot and poop. That's his signal he does not want to go even to the end of the road for a walk. As we have a long morning walk/jog, I figure it's o.k. After all, it's frickin' hot out there. I don't want to walk either.
  2. A solid fact about greyhounds: They have their priorities.
  3. My thought was to hide all the treats except that day's allotment. Unjustifiably pissed? Nope. Not at all. If all communication is via text or note, how about something like, "This treat situation is out of control. If you cannot abide by my express orders to give only X treats per day, I will have to find a new walker". It sounds harsh but you have done about all you can do at this point.
  4. How wonderful to see my boy in action! I haven't gotten around to looking up his race videos yet. I find it hella amusing that you can see his scaly elbows in the picture. A couple of weeks of Aquaphor and they're much better. Thank you!!!!
  5. We're going for the first time. I wonder what Jupiter will make of it (and the two day drive).
  6. They’re saying, This is . We’d better get a donut for this.
  7. It's easiest if you use a plastic grocery bag because you can open them wide.
  8. I've been known to use an Ack! from time to time but I do try to stick to a softer "unh unh". Jupiter, as Mercury before him, is so sensitive. Once I reacted too quickly with a "No!" and scared the poor thing.
  9. Happy Birthday, pretty girl! Personally, I hope the Black Bandit never "grows up". She's greyt the way she is.
  10. I thought I might be ready to leave a remembrance. Nope. Maybe next month.
  11. Is it bad that I want to see what whizicles look like?
  12. That is so true. My husband said I was giving Mercury an easy life and I said, "that's my job". The void left by his passing seems massive and I know it will take a long time to heal. The time in between his osteo diagnosis and his passing (12 days) was filled with anger, lots of anger, and sadness. I know it was the grief process starting. Who knows when it will end. I figure it will just suck in the meantime and I get on with things.
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