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Everything posted by Mercsmom

  1. It was free. But, Richard said No. Ducky, what a sight scare
  2. Backandforth for Sherrie tomorrow. Yes, we have a pool. I love the pool. I love looking at water. Our pond is way better than living on a canal. Guess what! I know of someone with a blue agave (a BIG one!) giving it away for free!!!! These things run about $100 at the nursery. I know because I've shopped for them. There are two challenges (1) there are "deadly" thorns so you have to wrap the thing in a bedspread or tarp when digging it up and (2) it wants a location where it will go years undisturbed. Once I figure out where that it, I'll have to talk Richard into helping me go get it.
  3. The Long, Long Trailer is one of my favorites. I read the comment about the snoot down the blouse and could actually feel a cold, wet snoot on the back of my bare knee. It tends to happen when I'm cooking. I kinda love it.
  4. Do you have an RV or a trailer? I keep thinking about options for our trip to Maine. I'd need something I could drive myself. It just seems like it would cut down on the complaining be easier to be gone for two weeks if we had an air conditioned place for Jupiter during trips to the store, or to have a meal. Also, not dealing with finding motels, restaurants, etc. Just a thought. So many pictures of lovely houndies! Nancy, it sounds like you're returning to life. Halise, you posted a photo of chicken katsu in the air fryer and . I picked up some chicken breasts yesterday. You'll all be happy to know that I now have clean underwear! They delivered the washer yesterday (without calling 45 minutes in advance as promised). They were in and out in time for me to go to my monthly lunch-in-the-park with some of my Project Linus ladies and then to Carm's house to sew. As soon as I got home I tested the washer with a load of guest room linens and then the delicates that didn't get done last week. *breathes sigh of relief* It's going to be in the 90s this week. I think time has arrived for Jupiter and pool time for me.
  5. Waitaminit! You were concerned enough to actually drive over there to make sure their hearth and home was safe and they didn't offer you a glass of wine or some s'mores or a kabob and insist you sit down and enjoy yourownselves???
  6. You also need rest and no riding until Monday. Vietnamese spring rolls! Aw, poor Charlie. I would never bork at you. I mean, you're always welcome to cuddle with me. Wiki, what a clever girl! Speaking of clever, they had free popcorn last night so I chose an ice cream flavor that went with popcorn - Salted Caramel Truffle.
  7. A colleague of mine always said, "The older I get, the more I think about the hereafter. I walk into a room and say, "What did I come here after?"
  8. HI! Hi! It's me! Jupiter!!! Zavvi, I have found that things falling on de floor are for whosoever grabs them first. It's a rule or somefing.
  9. When I opened my laptop, Spelling Bee was still there. I had an epiphany "Denounce" and "denounced". I didn't think the Bee would let me keep playing yesterday's game but I typed them in (doing it very quickly to fool the system ). It worked. It had had enough, gave me 278 points and declared me a Genius. Yeah, just how smart am I that I didn't give up on the thing? And, now, it's time to start today's puzzles. The air fryer was a success. We had crispy golden "crowns" (like a tater tot but coin shaped) and mock salisbury steak. Of course, Richard said it didn't taste like salisbury steak. It was more of a perfectly nice hamburg patty with mushroom and onion gravy. Good enough for me. Today, I have to "work a shift" at an ice cream parlor. Our Project Linus group is having a fundraiser and we've been asked to go for a while, eat ice cream, and help out the staff by wiping tables, etc. My friend Carm and I are taking the 5-7 shift. Richard thinks I planned the whole thing for "my night to cook" to get out of cooking. Cherry, are the cleaning ladies not paying enough attention to you? Is that it? Are you jealous of your pretty sister? Nancy, how are you feeling today?
  10. But how else can I appease my Computer Overlord??? I'm at 203 points and it still won't let me go. Poor Nancy! I'm trying something tonight (and trying out the air fryer). I'm making salisbury steak. I know. I hate the stuff! But, I'm convinced that it's some spice they add when they make it commercially. One recipe called for cloves in the gravy. I'm making it fresh, with lots of mushrooms and red wine in the gravy.
  11. The House of Duck returning to (new) normal. I'm stuck, guys! I do my word puzzles in the morning before walking. Somehow, NYT has decided I'm a frickin' genus and I'm up to 170 points in the Spelling Bee. I had to stop to do our walk, shower, dress, etc. I'm finishing my bagel and getting ready to leave for Project Linus and the Spelling Bee still has me trapped. This is pure ego in that I'm not willing to walk away until it says I'm "done".
  12. After Project Linus, I'm off to Lowe's to (probably) buy my GE washing machine. I haven't seen a Speed Queen for less than a thousand dollars. Ducky, how are your ducklings coping with the change? Have you had a good night's sleep yet?
  13. Yer gonna be finding dried berries for yyyyyeeeeears. I am looking for a non-HE, plain old agitator type top loader. I wouldn't mind having a Pre-Soak or an Extra Rinse but no other "special features". I've been doing my online research and took Jupiter over to Home Depot to see some "in the fur". Hi! Hi It's me! Jupiter! Gess what!!!!!! Ifn yu see a hoomin in an ornge apron, and you look them in the eye, they will give you treats! and ear rubbies. I got three of em!!!!
  14. My Liberty was a territorial pee-er. I wonder if that's because she was an alpha dog. Oh, pansies, how pretty!! Paris emoji That's perfect! Our washing machine died yesterday (no baby mice were involved). Guess what I get to research today. I asked Richard to do 10 minutes of online research about the transmission to see if it was an easy fix. Five minutes later he claimed there was no fix. This from the guy who complains about the high price of repair people and saves money on everything he can (still buying used boat shoes at Salvation Army rather than a new pair). Now, he's happy to shell out money for a new washer. I bought an air fryer yesterday. Remember I had said I wanted one but all the research pointed to the $100 Ninja as far and away the best one? Guess what I found at Salvation Army yesterday (no, I refuse to look for his used boat shoes. I was shopping for vintage housewares). A brandy new, in the box, never used Ninja air fryer for $50! I looked up Ogdensburg to see where it was. It's across the river from Sparkle City, Ontario. How cute a name is that???
  15. And the hottest time of the afternoon is about 5p.m. and the coolest hour is the hour after dawn.
  16. uh... everyone. Wawa is where: When you're on your 6 hour drive to Greyhounds Reach the Beach and you gotta pee and it's too hot to leave the houndie in the car, you pull in, leash up, and walk through the store like you owned the place. Thank Goodness, these places have big handicapped stalls so Merc and I could both fit in. Maybe I remembered to tell you that my brother cannot go to Holland and Belgium with me so that trips off. We will move our trip to Maine back to September (the hottest month here).
  17. There's a bunch of stuff we can't have but we are allowed to wash down our mortal and venal sins with a glass of wine.
  18. Cynthia! I new house! That's greyt news. And few stairs, a yard for the boys. It's all good. It'll be a pain in the neck for a little while and then it will be your own little dream house.
  19. I have this mental image of meat bits flying out in all directions.
  20. me, too. Rita had the best last four years of her life that she could have, anywhere in the world.
  21. Good morning. Miss me? I kept logging in yesterday and the URL kept changing to forum.greytalk.com/admin/something. I tried using Microsoft Edge and I could log in and see the posts but not reply. Sheesharoni! Aw, Ducky, this is going to take some getting used to. Lack of sleep sure isn't helping the process. Nancy, Mam, you and Patty Cake are really coming along, aren't you?
  22. Nancy, this trip is such a blessing. Have a wonderful time and cherish the memories. My brother Bob, and his husband Mitch, arrived yesterday. Mitch had tendon surgery and is just now able to get around with a cane. That means Bob does not feel he can make the trip to Holland and Belgium in September. I am taking advantage of this trip to get all the "brotherly wisdom" I can. For example, my niece and nephew want me to buy the house next door to them as rental (and "eventual") property. Bob thinks it's a good idea and is willing to go in on it as a partnership if I don't want to lay out all the money. Plusalso, we navigate the care and handling of cranky husbands. To be fair, Mitch is not usually cranky but Bob has been doing full care giving for a couple of months now (not Mitch's first tendon surgery poor guy ). Rita, have a good day, sweetie.
  23. You know, they put on airs of being literate and yet... Lupin, you are stupidly handsome! My brother and brother-in-law are coming today to stay overnight. I did my cooking yesterday. Richard vacuumed. Today, I will , , and put the new comforter on the guest bed. When Jupe gets a shampoo or the lanai gets swept is unknown at this point. Jupe woke me up at 6:30 this morning with a scream. Not uncommon. We can only guess that he moves a certain way and pinches a nerve or he's just . Rita! You poor little thing! Backandforth
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