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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. Just seeing this. Joe does it a lot when he runs at Mary Pat's. I use non-stick pads and vet-wrap for a couple days, with Paws booties to go outside, then graduate him to a sock. He's a pretty serious licker, so wounds have to be covered. Oh, and Rimadyl. I believe in drugs. Hope Henry is feeling better today.
  2. Denise, they didn't have it (that I noticed) on Wednesday. I did score 2 cases of Wellness bars, though.
  3. I'm not a dog, and I've never had chemo, but when I'm puking from migraines Zofran (odanestron) shuts it down fairly quickly. I feel pretty bleh for about 5 hours, then need protein. I coud eat a raw cow as I come off it. Anything that isn't MEAT is disgusting. Just a thought.
  4. Alicia, they do a Rimadyl shot and Rimadyl to go home. And of course, I have ALL the drugs!
  5. Aaand, she crated herself last night. Jumped off our bed, trotted in, laid down, and slept all night. Crazy dog!
  6. He had puffy toes yesterday, so the wrap is off. He's still wearing his "hat" when I' not looking, though! And yesterday at the vet.
  7. I'd treat for a UTI even if the vet says it's not a UTI. BTDT. On the other hand, is he drinking excessively? (And always, always, listen to Batmom!)
  8. We adopted Joe at 4, and he's always had owie back legs. We went through the "OMG! He must have osteo!" thing, had x-rays done, and, as above, it was diagnosed as most likely being a soft tissue injury. He got drugs and a lot of rest. It still flares sometimes, but I know what to avoid, and monitor his love of running around like a lunatic. (I still let him run, but I give an NSAID shortly after anything excessive.) These guys are athletes. Athletes get hurt. After you've ruled out the worst, you manage, and it's ok. I also wouldn't rule out a corn unless this is a vet truly experienced with greyounds. Can you post a pic?
  9. Thanks, everyone. I'll pretend to feel better now! He got three stitches in his poor widdle footsie this morning. The vet put a Bite-Not collar on, and he laughed at it! He's wrapped almost to his arse (stitches are just above his paw), wearing a Thera-paw, and has his a towel collar on when I'm not looking. He's a baaaaad boy, and I love him! Thank you, thank you! Exactly what I was fishing for!
  10. Joe went to the vet this morning, and the vet got spazzy because he weighed 73 lbs. Last vist, he was 77 lbs. I asked them to redo it -- 76.6 lbs. Fine. Did they recheck after they weighed him the first time?
  11. If you play rough with a dog, it may use teeth. Brees has chewed on me plenty, and my aunt's mixed breed leaves bruises all the time. She likes to chew arms. My glasses have a gouge on one lense from Joe playfully lunging at me. My fault, not his. Both of mine have growled at me when I did something stupid that made them uncomfortable. It's ok. Give him space for a good long while. With Joe, I had a friend stay with him for my first day back to work after bringing him home. She was warned to give him space, not get near him when he was laying down, etc. When I came home, her whole family was there loving on him, in his bed, hanging over him, and generally doing all the things you shouldn't do. He was blissed out! BUT -- you can't use Joe as a pillow. That gets a growl. Brees mostly wants to be inside your body. Just glued to us. Sometimes, though, she gets annoyed when we crawl up her arse, and she growls. Totally fine. We move. Growling is good!
  12. RedHead, that's exactly how I'm planning my day to be. Total obsessive mess. Jen, Violet's rhabdo thing was scary as hell! I'm lucky in that Joe LOVES to go to the vet. Any vet. It's the best. thing. ever. NGAP is about 1/2 an hour away, which is nice. Unfortunately, it looks like hubby can't go, and I'll be on my own. I'm waffling between walking dogs while I wait for him, or going to the mall and eating everything. Everything. I might start that now.
  13. Thanks! I'm *just* having a minor freak out. Totally normal in my world. I go worst case scenario for every thing. Logically, I know I'm overreacting. Shame I don't run on logic.
  14. Oh, cool. Joe totally fixed my worrying-about-dental problem. He just came in with a nice big cut on his left hind leg. Not big enough for the e-vet, but probably worth a staple in the morning. He's so considerate! I need another drink.
  15. Agreeing with Irene! How long does it take between when she hears keys to when she's with you? Sheesh! Make your keys quieter. Is she crated? Can she not be, or can the crate be closer to the door? Stand outside and waggle your keys for a second. Walk in while she's still quiet. Rinse and repeat. Increase key waggling time. Do it more.
  16. Joe needs a dental. (It's on the 5th, with bloodwork to be done Wednesday.) He's 8, and hasn't had a full sedation dental in the four years we've had him. He has had several non-sed cleanings. (I booked him for a full dental once, but the vet said he didn't need it.) Anyhow, his canines are icky, and his gums look a little red. He whined last night when he was eating a pig ear, so I know things ain't right. I'm flipping out, and I shouldn't be. We're going to NGAP, and this is what they do! But, he's my baby, and I'm a total loon. So: He has wonky back legs. Do they swing them around to get them on the table? He overheats easily. They did his neuter, and presumably it was fine. Do I mention that? I need to worry and over think this, so give me some ideas to prepare things for his highness afterward. I'm planning on spoon feeding him baby food, cause it'll make ME feel better. What else is good to have on hand? He does get really loopy after mild sedation for x-rays. How much goofier will he be after this, and long do the effects last?
  17. Poor guy! I bet he gets waited on all day today.
  18. Yeah. I feel your pain. Before I was able to get yard fully fenced, I bought Joe a big outdoor run. He NEVER peed in it. Crate-like things are for hanging out in, not pottying in. The dog pen now holds trash between garbage days. It's invaluable!
  19. Shoot, that bean bag's almost big enough for her to get comfy on!
  20. Hello, hello! Go get a dog. The house can wait! These guys only take up a lot of space when they decide to hog YOUR bed.
  21. How do the GT gurus feel about things like Nutri-cal? I can remember mom feeding that to the ancient (17-20 year old) cats when I was little. http://t.petco.com/product/7708/Tomlyn-Nutri-Cal-for-Dogs.aspx
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