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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. This is bloodwork from Walter, my friend Leah's GH. He's 6. Wall had an episode a couple days ago. Details will be posted shortly. Sorry for the funky screenshot. I'm a couple beers into the the night, and way too stupid to do this right! Two minutes later: (From 11/26) Walter had some kind of episode tonight. They are running blood work. They think it may have been a seizure but don't know. He attempted to get up and readjust himself in bed and ended up unable to stretch out his entire front right leg. He managed to lay down but it was awkward and clunky and i held him up so he wouldn't fall down. Then i got him into his bed and he just laid there. I attempted to get him up again and it was the same, he paced an awkward circle & had a hard time walking and extending his front right leg. I called Northstar & they recommended we come in. He was able to walk down the stairs, hop into the car and walk into Northstar. Ugh. I know Denise was dealing with seizures but what happened with Wal didn't look like Miami's (?)seizure. Thoughts? Leah
  2. For sure, you need more drugs. The e-vet might be able to call a prescription for Tramadol into a regular pharmacy if you can't get in to your regular vet. I'm sorry this happened. (Love the captions. Spooted my coffee!)
  3. I'm so sorry! She was a very beautiful and very lucky girl.
  4. They don't suck! Mary, the best thing about GT is having everyone else's experience to draw on. Your "been there, done that" has me significantly less worried. Thank you!
  5. Nov 23, 2014 Dear Rachael, We are pleased to help with Joe's healthcare costs. Trupanion provides 90% coverage for all approved accidents and illnesses, and we’ve mailed your payment to the address above as requested. The entire Trupanion team thanks you for taking such good care of Joe. Owner: Rachael XXXX Condition: Bloody diarrhea, vomiting Policy Number: TU00XXXXXX Invoice Date: 11/20/2014 Pet Name: Joe Invoice Number: 580XXX Claim ID: 10XXXX v.1 Invoice Subtotal: $1115.00 Enrollment Date: 2/4/2011 12:00:00 AM Trupanion is paying $945.00 of the invoice submitted. Condition 1. Bloody diarrhea, Vomiting (Emesis) $1,050.00 Eligible $1,050.00 Claim Payment at 90% Coverage $945.00 Other: Ineligible Items $65.00 Please refer to the following policy exclusion(s): 7.e.1 Examination fees $65.00 If you have any questions regarding our review of this claim, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Kristen Stewart
  6. He's still completely exhausted. Brees and Rob just left the house for our Sunday houndie walk, and he didn't even lift his head.
  7. I have a fetching, ball-playing greyhound girl. If you want one like that, make sure the group you use knows the kind of dog you're interested in and go from there. I will say that my girl is higher maintenance than my more typical boy. We got her at 2, and she didn't learn to sleep in until she turned 4. Joe came to us understanding Sunday morning is for sleeping!
  8. They have no idea. The best guess is the Rimadyl he had Monday morning (with food), but he's had it many times before. Lukasmom, I may order some in a couple weeks. He's going to be very restricted for a bit. Not gonna be a happy boy when the pot roast comes out of the oven tonight! He's exhausted. I haven't seen him poop today. Don't know if he did when I was out shopping for Thanksgiving, but there's certainly not been any urgent need.
  9. Brees is Brees. Her head is full of cotton candy and kitty cats! I don't think she noticed he was gone. Joe wants to go for a walk. Maybe we'll go around the block after his lunch.
  10. Pet insurance. Do the research before the dog comes home, and enroll immediately when you get him. As in, the same day, or even the day before you pick him up. (We just had an overnight at the e-vet to the tune of $1100. 90% will come back.) There are a ton of threads here about insurance. Typically, people seem to like Healthy Paws, Trupanion, and Embrace.
  11. He slept through the night. Morning carafate in. Back to bed for an hour before brekkie.
  12. We'll see if Rob goes for it. I JUST put the mattress we had in the living room when Brees hurt her leg back in the attic. Maybe the house just needs to be covered in mattresses? Still no more poop! 1/2 a can of wet food mixed with water stayed down. Time to mix up the carafate. I've never given it before. He's not gonna like it. He's zonked out and very happy. I love my dog.
  13. He's curled in a tiny ball next to me, under blankies. He was BOUNCING at the vet, and tried to get in the trash. When he did finally lay down in the room, it was so the tech (who has 2 greyhounds!) could properly rub his belly. One of the receptionists said she spooned him in his cage for awhile last night -- she's the one who gave him the pillow in the picture they sent, and covered him in blankets because "greyhounds need blankies". I was annoyed with that place last night, but now I think they need cupcakes. When we got home, he went directly for the kibble he can't have. $1100.00. Again, thank god for insurance. It could easily have been a lot more.
  14. We're on our way to see him and maybe pick him up. The office wants us to wait until the vet who admitted him shows up at 10. Part of me thinks that's just a ploy to go over the 24 hour estimate (I'm a suspicious, evil woman!), but the other part of me wants someone who saw him at the worst to give their blessing for me to take him home. MP, I just tried to respond to your email, but mine is acting funky and stuffed it it the outbox until later. Yes, it's very good they didn't send a pic of poop! I see enough of that at work, thankyouverymuch!
  15. Excellent question! Thanks! I just spoke to the vet and they were doing every four to six hours -- he ending up peeing on his bedding because of that BS. It's now every two hours because I saw your post while I was on the phone. Jen, you rock! (he's doing better. No fresh blood with rectal exam.)
  16. I just called them. He's on IVs and medicated for rhe diarrhea. One bout of diarrhea overnight. Joe was trying to climb out of the cage when it happened -- such a good boy. They fed him, but he still won't take fluids by mouth. Sounds like he's still pretty blah. Another vet will be in soonish for a recheck. Hubby is off today. He's going to be under orders to check up on Joe often.
  17. Thanks. Hubby and I are home. It figures that the one time I don't flip out and run to the vet something really bad happens. I'm just going to flip out whenever I want now. That's ok, right?
  18. Nothing funky on the ultrasound that this vet saw. She cautioned that she isn't a radiologist. Rectal was bloody, and made him need to go again so I went flying out into the cold night so he squirt more blood. They're getting the paperwork ready to admit him. Thank god for insurance!
  19. Heart rate was 50 at our vet, is up to 75 here. Temp 101.4 now. She doesn't feel any masses. Took him out of room for ultrasound and rectal. We're hoping *just* diarrhea that developed HGE at this point. I didn't like the other options at all. Looks like he'll be admitted for fluids regardless.
  20. Sent to evet to be admitted. Heart rate low. Temp low. Gums tacky
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