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Everything posted by luvhounds2

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss of such a beautiful girl. Lily sounds like a real jewel! Your tribute is just lovely - but broke my heart. Much too young, sweet Lily.
  2. Yay for Lazer!!!! I said before on the other site; but, I have sooo much respect & admiration for how hard you fought to get this boy healthy. All the research and planning and just plain "going with your gut" treatments -- you sure did something right!!!! Here's hoping your report next week on his bloodclots comes back perfect, too.
  3. I'm so sorry you've lost your sweet, beautiful Holly. She sounds like a wonderful girl!
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Maisy sounds like a very smart & entertaining girl. May she be happy over the Bridge.
  5. My condolences on the loss of your sweet Andy. What wonderful years you had together!
  6. Happy Bridge Birthday Kevin! So sorry you had to leave so young. Hope you're happy at the Bridge - I understand everything is perfect there!
  7. luvhounds2

    Twister Sheba

    What a beautiful story/life/tribute! She was a beauty and a special soul. I'm so sorry for your loss. I had to come back & tell you, those pictures of Sheba saying her good-byes to you just break my heart. I can't believe I'm sobbing for a dog I never knew - guess that's how powerful your words & her pictures are. And I love that she sent you a rainbow!
  8. Happy Bridge Birthday, Beautiful Bobbi!
  9. I'm so sorry you lost your handsome, sweet, Segugio. What a fine fella he sounds like. Your tribute to him is just beautifully touching. And the pictures are just wonderful. I love your last line - "the wind will whisper your name to me." Beautiful!
  10. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute you've written for Dewey. Your love for him just shines thru your words. Hold his memories tightly in your heart - they will keep him with you always.
  11. That is beautiful, just beautiful. My gosh this past year has flown by. I remember when you posted his passing - broke my heart, too, (even though I was just a lurker), because he always seemed larger than life. And he was so darn handsome! Always remember his love; and that you were the lucky ones - you got to call him "yours."
  12. Hope you've all calmed down a little tonight. Looks like they did a really good job of fixing her up. I bet it will heal up without any scar once the fur grows back.
  13. Oh my god---poor, sweet Lila! We surely are sending good thoughts & prayers your way that she gets fixed up and heals up perfectly. Sending hugs to you and your poor Mom, who must be as traumatized as Lila. Barb & the girls
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. Deb, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful story she had - your tribute is just lovely. Go get your wings, sweet Tila. You can run with the big dogs now!!!
  16. What a story she had!!! Sweet lady; I hope she knew how loved she was over her lifetime.
  17. luvhounds2


    My condolences on the loss of your beautiful Honey. Your tribute is just wonderful.
  18. I'm so sorry. What a beauty she was!
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss of that sweet, beautiful little lady. What a doll she was! She certainly had a wonderful, exciting, love-filled lifetime with you guys. GodSpeed, Bandit. Barb & the Girls
  20. Oh, I'm so very sorry. Go with the Angels, sweet Yukon.
  21. luvhounds2

    Chase Is Gone

    I'm so sorry on your loss of this sweet girl. She sure was a fighter, and a tough ole broad! Shame on her original owners. Yes, they take a little more work & attention in their later years; but, #%$^%$ they deserve it after giving you their total love & devotion all the previous years. My heart cries for her. Thank God she found her way to you; and that you have the love & passion for these sweet souls that you so obviously do. Good for you. May God bless you every day. Enjoy the bridge, sweet Chase!
  22. What a wonderful tribute to your Dude!!! I'm so very sorry he has gone on to the Bridge - to new adventures, I'm sure. No other fellow ever wore a hat better than Dude. We will remember you always, Dude. 00Dude for Mccarthy Kaptin Red Davey Dude for Tickertape And Dude, just Dude, for Mamma for you all, Chris, Dennis, Toni, Cash & Copper
  23. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Gee. Her bubble-wrap picture will stay with me forever. Luv it!
  24. Carrie, I'm so saddened to hear of Lilac's passing. I've loved reading her stories & seeing her pictures. What a grand, gorgeous ole gal she was! How lucky she was to be "your girl". And, how lucky you were to be "her Mom". Your tribute to her on your blog is wonderful! Barb, Tick & Mac
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