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Everything posted by ShebasMom

  1. Cat? Did anyone notice that there is a cat, too?: "since the water bowl I have is a water fountain and my cat needs to drink out of it too." How about giving some advice on new greys and cats. Just thought I'd throw that in the mix as mine is a real cat hater.
  2. I'm surprised that someone hasn't said DO NOT take future grey to offleash dog parks. That more than likely would be an accident waiting to happen.
  3. This reply interested me in that when Sheba passes, I decided I need to get a much smaller dog. I've had Great Danes and "downsized" to Greyhounds, but at 73 years old, I feel I will need a dog I can pick up when necessary. Having had and loved large dogs all my adult life, though, I worry I won't be able to bond with a small dog as I've never been partial to them. At this point I have no idea what small dog it will be. Sheba is 9 years old and hopefully has some good years left in her.
  4. And I thought you were asking if pooping in the car is really bad--no, not if you can stand the smell and don't mind cleaning it up, ha ha!
  5. Nine-year-old Sheba has really been shedding a lot lately, and I mean a lot. Is blowing her coat normal this time of year even though we're in Florida and had no winter to speak of? I seem to remember it happening about this time last year so perhaps it is normal. She's her usual self, eats great, and nothing seems out of the norm other than the shedding. I'm using the Furminator on her to help reduce the shedding. Vacuuming the floors frequently, too. Your thoughts and opinions please.
  6. Sheba is a couple months over 9 years old and has been getting the Virbac C.E.T. Hextra large dental chews every morning after her breakfast. She has pretty good teeth and gums and gets a dental every other year. So far, all is well. When the Hextra chews were unavailable, I gave Sheba the regular C.E.T. chews, but she doesn't like those as much. No ill effects here, not even diarrhea.
  7. Agree with others saying to contact your neighbors. Who knows, you might even find one or two who want to help walk your hound once you're sure they are good neighbors of course.
  8. Sheba is 9 now and started having some trembling a while ago when she is overly active. Nothing serious and no other signs, so I consider it part of aging, sigh.
  9. I, too, have Embrace and have been quite happy with it. I have a $500 deductible and 80% reimbursement for illness/injury. I could have a lower deductible and higher reimbursement but my plan cost would be more. I change my wellness rewards plan reimbursement amount ($200, $250, $400 or something like that) as I need more or less coverage (higher reimbursement when Sheba needs a dental, lower when she doesn't). Wellness rewards plan covers annual vaccinations, bloodwork, dental, nail trimming, fecal exam, parasite Rxs, etc.
  10. I assume the canine flu vaccination is far different from the kennel cough vaccination (Bordetella booster)?
  11. Sheba seems to have gotten through her dental with no issues. Picking her up around 4 pm EDT.
  12. 9-year-old Sheba is having her dental today. We get them every other year. Her teeth traditionally have been in pretty good shape so I don't expect any issues, but since she's now a senior, please keep her in your thoughts today.
  13. Just be sure it's urin. Sheba is on my bed a lot, and many evenings as I turn down the covers I find a wet spot all the way through the quilt and sheets. Turns out it isn't urin but wetness from licking her feet, normal nose drips, and tounge drips. I don't particularly like sleeping on a wet spot, but at least it isn't urin--ha ha.
  14. I haven't ordered from www.bestvaluepetsupplies.com in quite some time because I had plenty of Comfortis and Heartguard Plus on hand. When I accessed the website today to order supplies, it couldn't be found. Does anyone know if they still are in business or have a different website? I ended up ordering from www.petsupplies.net instead.
  15. Congratulations! The youngest grey I've adopted (and I'm a novice) was 22 months old. Sheba's almost 9 now. I've heard (on this site and from others) that greyhound pups are a handful because they have so much energy. I'm sure you're having a blast with your pup.
  16. I only have one hound. I fill her bowl water bowl with fresh water each morning (with added dental rinse) and evening. The bowl holds 6 cups of water, so that's 12 cups per day. She never drinks the water bowl dry but drinks from it throughout the day.
  17. ShebasMom


    What a lovely tribute and photo. So sorry for your loss.
  18. Best of luck and so glad you have pet insurance.
  19. A definite difference in her coat then and now. Coat looks greyt.
  20. My dog door is a Magnadoor, so the flap is hard plastic, not a flexible flap. My first grey wouldn't go out or in unless I bungee-corded the door open at all times (loved air-conditioning the outdoors during hot Florida summers!), but Sheba took to it right away. She had been muzzled in the early rescue days so her nose didn't push on the door, only the muzzle, so she got used to the plastic flap. It hitting her back didn't seem to faze her even in the beginning. In hindsight, when I had the door installed, I should have raised it up some because she has to squat a bit to get through. Could be more difficult as she ages (she's 8 now).
  21. I don't know anything about feeding raw and haven't read any info. Is it okay to feed raw with bones? I always thought small bones, especially chicken bones, are a no-no. Or is it just cooked chicken bones? Pardon my ignorance.
  22. Muzzle, more exercise, and more self-discipline to not leave things available for chewing.
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