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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Buddy is always a good boy. Chicken -- when I've had dogs who were being picky, they seemed to prefer chicken and fish over beef. Cleptogrey has posted about buying a whole chicken and cooking it in one pot until it disintegrates into mush, bones and all. And somebody else posted recently (can't remember who) about buying an already cooked chicken; that way having something instantly ready. Both timesavers, in different ways. And that's one thing we don't talk about much -- besides the stress, how much more time it takes to fix something only to have the dog refuse it, and you have to try again with something different. Hard to do if you have a job that's outside the house.
  2. MP -- Africa -- how exciting! Where in Africa? Will you be stopping off at GRTB on the way home?
  3. Seems like you've gotten more into him the past day than previously. Rave on, Mr Buddy Holly Molly! Milo (16% coonhound) gives 2 paws up to channeling Buddy's inner coonhound
  4. Get it, girl -- get it! And keep it away from that Doolin.
  5. Most of us have been there, unfortunately. We all know what lengths we'll go to to try to get a dog to eat. Sometimes, heating up food a little seems to help -- maybe because it enhances the smell. But that doesn't address the cause. At the vet visit, my suggestion is to have Buddy get what we call here a Complete Blood Count (?), anyway, it's referred to as a CBC. You'll have to wait a bit for the results, but it will probably provide clues that the regular, quicker, and cheaper blood test just doesn't cover. I agree with you -- it doesn't sound like teeth are the main problem, even if the vet finds they need cleaning or more. Hugs to the Budster and his worried family.
  6. Grass -- it's a snack AND a pillow. Two paws up, Ms AnnIE
  7. Looking forward to Gracie stories as she begins to blossom again in her new home. Gotta love the spots! And that pic of her looking up from the slumber ball.
  8. Kate Good thing she didn't live here. Once it became clear that she just wanted someone to watch her play in the middle of the night, all she would have gotten would have been some salty talk. Mistress, that picture of Wiki is so wonderful. You need to share it at your next Wednesday meeting.
  9. In the prayer for the death of a beloved pet, I am particularly struck by "As we remember (pet’s name), may we love each other more dearly. May we care for all Your creatures, for every living thing, as we protected the blessed life of (pet’s name)."
  10. How nice that the floor tile colors coordinate with Punkin's brindling. If she were the one lying down, she'd be totally camouflaged. Fingers Paws crossed for helpful results.
  11. Purple is your color, Buddy! Acupuncture helped my dear Eve many years ago. I don't remember the color, but I do remember each needle was individually wrapped in plastic. Every single session, Eve had to carefully check every single plastic wrapper and needle because, you know, when plastic crinkles that could mean that food is involved!
  12. If you don't want to buy a tape measure, do you have a ruler or a yardstick, or know someone who does? You could even use a 12"x12" floor tile, if you have those. Get some string/ribbon/rope/belt and place that around the strategic measuring areas of your hound. Length is while the dog is standing, measure from the back of the neck to the start of the tail. Chest is around the biggest diameter. String should be not too loose but not too tight. Then put the string along your yardstick to measure. It's really easier just to get a tape measure from Amazon before you order the coat.
  13. Punkin and AnnIE, hope you get many apple bites, other treats, pets, and interesting sniffs on your Gotcha Day!
  14. Holding Willa and her family in the Light. Did Doolin get the motel breakfast again? Planning a trip to Treasure Trove or Dinosaur World next?
  15. We're waiting for an update on the session on the 11th. Did you have roaring crowds? Did you have to read an encore? Or did you make just 1 or 2 kiddos very, very happy?
  16. I had a hound with three toes on one front foot (missing one was a middle toe) and three toes on one back foot (also a middle toe). Not the same as Tony, but she never seemed to have problems. I never knew why the toes were amputated. What is poor Tony's toe issue?
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