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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. I'm glad the gentle leader is helping. For additional training, besides standing still as Jetcitywoman does, you can also try immediately turning in the opposite direction and pulling him. The goal behind that strategy is to teach him that if he pulls, all that's going to happen is that he's going to end up going away from whatever fascinating thing it is. I don't have any real experience with a lunging dog, but standing still and reversing were suggested by the trainer in a recent obedience class we were in.
  2. You can make a lure pole out of just about anything resiliant -- I used a bamboo rod. My dogs have enjoyed indoor hurdles. My former house had a long indoor hall where I could set up a series, but even a couple set up in different doorways are fun. We used paper grocery sacks laying on their sides, filled with recycled newspapers. That way no injuries if a foot hits a hurdle. Utah winters -- maybe time to try freestyle dog dancing?
  3. Scout came to me as a bounce with an inner toe removed on a rear foot for unknown reasons. I remember someone telling me that sometimes the other toes surrounding a missing inner one are more prone to injury because of weight distribution, and Scout did have a swollen toe a time or two on that foot, but nothing major. Good thoughts going to your girl.
  4. Sending hugs to you and your boy. Is he supposed to stay quiet?
  5. So glad Blue is feeling better. I don't know what the one positive and one negative auto-immune mean, either. I think dogs with auto-immune diseases such as SLO are at higher risk for thyroid problems, or vice versa (plus a few other conditions, as well). I don't think regulating an out-of-whack thyroid will "cure" the SLO, but it certainly won't hurt. Low thyroid can cause weight gain OR weight loss. Was the thyroid panel a full panel, or just the T-4 level? .4 certainly sounds low, but I had a girl who had a .7 (low even for a greyhound) but that was a normal for her because her other T measurements were proportionately correct. I'm sorry I'm not more authoritative about all this; just relaying what's happened in my own dogs' experiences.
  6. Sweet dreams and a sweet mouth, Miss Lizzie!
  7. I've had good experiences with positive training basic obedience classes, too. The training at the one Nutmeg, Romie, and I are going to now thinks the "watch me" is a good command to start with. She also suggests marking every desired behavior with an excited "yes!" -- a variation of clicker training where you don't have to carry a clicker with you. Other early commands have been "leave it," "take it," and "drop it." You do leave it/take it with a tasty morsel in your hand, let the dog smell it, and say "leave it." When the dog first looks away/moves its nose away, you say "YES!" and make a big fuss. When you're ready, say "take it" and open your hand so dog can take the treat. "YES!"
  8. Sending all good thoughts to you and your sweet girl.
  9. Hoping that all continues well for everyone at your house.
  10. Just seeing this and so glad to read the good news! I hope all of you have a pleasant, calming rest tonight.
  11. As long as it's clear, thin liquid (like water), I agree that it sounds greyhound-normal. If you look closely at the pictures on this board, you'll see little drops of snot at the edges of a lot of regal-looking noses.
  12. Hooray for Kelly and for you. Will you continue to try cutting down the meds, or do you think that what he's on now is the optimum level?
  13. Poor, poor Blue. Other people with more knowledge will answer, but I think that weight loss is a fairly common effect of prednisone. What other meds/supplements is Blue getting? Give him a gentle head pat from us.
  14. This is the most understandable info on Bartonella I found in a quick search: Bartonella in dogs Does your vet think the Bartonella could be causing the liver abnormalities (I see that it can cause hepatitis), or is a separate infection? Hugs to your cuddle bud.
  15. Never even heard of them. Lime and dogs don't seem to go together, but obviously yours think differently.
  16. So what does the immediate future hold for continued treatment?
  17. So frustrating to have to go to a job when you just want to be home with your pup! Hope all went smoothly today and the swelling has subsided. When everything had calmed down after a dental for Baz, he would remind me that part of the healing process required a little vanilla ice cream.
  18. If you think Striker would like a little variety, please add a few ear scritches from us. And hugs to you.
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