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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Welcome to you and to Garnet! (beautiful name)
  2. Kilo is gorgeous, and I'm envious that you can take dogs on public transit.
  3. Welcome! You may enjoy becoming addicted to buying fancy collars.
  4. For most retired racing greyhounds, housetraining is usually a matter of days or a few weeks. They're already crate trained, and it's just a matter of letting them know that an entire house is now their "crate," and establishing a regular schedule. And as for the dog being alone, you could always get two greyhounds
  5. I forget -- what bloodwork has been done on your boy? Hugs to you both.
  6. Sending all our best wishes to you and Sugar.
  7. My Scout had glomerulonephritis for years beginning at age 10, but it was evidently more easily managed than Allison's. I've read that there is a rapidly progressive variant of the condition -- perhaps Allison unfortunately has that. Scout did well on enalapril; I'm sorry that Allison hasn't. I also fixed Scout a high calorie diet that was low in phosphorus. Low phosphorus foods can also be high in fat, which later probably contributed to several scary bouts of acute pancreatitis. Two things you might want to ask your vet about, if you haven't already, are 1) low dosage of aspirin that may help with platelet damage; and 2) azodyl, a bacterial supplement that sometimes helps bring down toxic waste levels. After Scout began to be incontinent, I bought lots of sturdy pee pads (permanent ones, made for human beds). At first he refused to use them, but gradually I had so many that the floor was covered with them. They absorb a large amount of urine, and you just toss in the washer. He wore washable pajamas all the time, even as the weather got warmer. Those last few months were bittersweet. Scout enjoyed huge meals even though he was losing weight quickly. He wore a harness so I could help him stand up and go up/down steps. I was sleep deprived from multiple late night potty trips, but it seemed worth it when he obviously enjoyed being out and taking in the night scents. He had a kleenex fetish, and his last few weeks he had a bonanza of used tissues to tear up because I was crying over him every night. He would get up, stagger over to the wastebasket, and start shredding, giving me his patented "Lady, what is your problem?" look when I protested. I literally waited the one day too late. I had arranged for in-home euthanasia on a Monday, hoping for a last few days together and a gentle death, but Scout had 2 violent seizures on that Sunday, so I took him to the e-vet. Looking back, I wonder if I was holding onto his life more for me, or for him. Uncertainty is normal at this stage, but disagreement can only make things worse. Sending my best wishes to you, your wife, and Allison.
  8. Nutmeg -- 5 months since "your" sofa was given away and a new extra-large sectional sofa brought in expressly to have enough lounging room for greys and humans, and you have yet to put one foot on the new sofa. Instead, you stand in front of it, lower your head, and whine before going over to flop on a dogbed. Get over it already. Romie -- I can no longer brag about how visually smart greyhounds are; how they never wrap their leashes around posts and poles. Be strict! Be ever vigilant! Make him keep that poop down on the ground before he eats it.
  9. She is so beautiful in body and in spirit.
  10. My Eve thought walks were fine as long the weather was perfect (clear, crisp, and 50 degrees F, please) and if she got to stop and socialize along the way. She also enjoyed scrambling up rocks like a mountain goat on a long leash. But walking for the sake of just exercise? One humid August morning she quietly went on strike, turned around on her leash after a few blocks, put her head down in the Eeyore position, and made it clear the only steps she was taking were heading straight home. Unfortunately, she was cursed with a human and a greyhound housemate much more enthusiastic about walks than she was.
  11. Sending benign thoughts for Maximilian.
  12. No advice to add to the excellent posts above; so will just add our good thoughts and ear scritches to your boy.
  13. Sending pain-free thoughts for you both.
  14. Bill of Breakfast With Bill fame would have a field day with these. Right and Left leg issues would now be black and white!
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