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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Nothing to add to the above good advice but to keep your voice calm and cheerful with her, not consoling and pitying. Sending hugs to Travel and to you.
  2. Welcome to you and Mr. Darwin. Looks like you have some playgroups in your near future.
  3. Hope you have a good time cruising all the greyhound info here.
  4. EllenEveBaz


    Sending all of our sympathy to Emily's family, and to all the animals she helped over the years.
  5. Hooray for energy level and weight gain! How are you holding up?
  6. Bet he's happy to be all comfy again at home.
  7. Nutmeg had one last year, during a stressful time. Stress evidently heightens the risk. I just washed it and put Neosporin on it. I also added some Omega 3 oil to her diet, which probably didn't really help but it made me feel like I was doing something. That's been her only hot spot so far, knock on wood. I think some people just keep it clean and don't put on anything. It may depend on the cause? Does your dog with the hot spot have any allergies?
  8. Sending healing light to Casey, poor guy.
  9. He deserves a brand new stuffy to disembowel!
  10. Adding more good thoughts to the floods of them being sent your way.
  11. Glad to hear the continued good news. Keep on keeping on, Bandito!
  12. Good girl, Summer! Were you able to enjoy the gathering, or were you worrying about her the whole time?
  13. Glad you and Camp had a good experience. One hour -- wow!
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