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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Sending more good thoughts for eating (and sleeping). Hang in there, guys!
  2. No advice to add -- we're just keeping on sending good thoughts to Harley.
  3. I think she needs some new stuffies to get her mind off socks. Poor grey and poor you. Glad she's okay.
  4. I think 6 lbs. over 2 weeks is a good weight gain for a senior. Go Chase! I hope you're able to find a method to keep her tummy happy with the antibiotics. Skin sores can be tough to heal in any circumstances. I agree with above posters on the kidney values. I think the general rule of thumb for greys is that a higher creatinine level is not of concern (within reason) as long as the BUN is okay. Nice jammies, Chasie girl!
  5. Just sending good thoughts to you and your boy.
  6. I haven't had any direct experience, but many GT dogs and humans have had good experience with taking milk thistle for some liver problems. But I would imagine you have to be extremely careful of medications and supplements, too, because of the IBD? Sending cyberhugs.
  7. My Scout had vasculitis, among other health problems, and in his last few months our holistic vet suggested using heating/cooling foods to help him regulate his body temperature better. I don't know how much it helped him, and it had to be balanced with what he would agree to eat, but it made me feel a little better, whipping up home cooked beef/sweet potato meals and egg white omelet dishes for him. We'll hold Sparks and his family in our thoughts.
  8. Just sending hugs to you and your girl.
  9. You show that bandage who's boss, Chase!
  10. Keeping all paws crossed for Harley.
  11. Maybe he loved the smell of the ocean and the feel of the wind at Dewey. Or maybe he knew it was a place and time filled with wonderful greyhounds and people who love them. I hope that now he is at one huge eternal Dewey.
  12. Just sending hugs. "Parting is all we know of heaven And all we need of hell." Emily Dickinson
  13. Welcome! I love all dogs, but greys just seem to have that something special.
  14. Welcome to you, Emmy, and Walter! I found this site very helpful in managing a dog's chronic kidney disease: DogAware kidney disease info
  15. Beautiful pics of a wonderful family of pups.
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