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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Bill of Breakfast With Bill fame would have a field day with these. Right and Left leg issues would now be black and white!
  2. Paws crossed here that on Saturday you'll get your Cash on the barrel head.
  3. Hoping that both of you have a restful night.
  4. Mine think they've died and gone to heaven that our new house's dog door doesn't need any steps or ramps on the outside. I read a suggestion that for greys, the top of the door should be about the height of their shoulders. That could be various combinations of door heights and bottom rise. Congratulations on your new addition! We'll need pictures of your pups, door, yard ...
  5. Congreytulations from Nutmeg, who will sit and stay when I "fold her up" but still doesn't have a clue what the voice command means, and from Romie, who says he doesn't need no stinking sit.
  6. Poor Tansy. I hope you find the cause so you don't have to worry more.
  7. Inspiring her to pee on whatever you choose on the deck -- maybe get another female dog's urine (maybe a friend will "catch" some for you) and pour it on the pee pad or whatever? Something to stimulate her marking instincts? Just an idea -- giant baking tray for commercial kitchens? Hugs to your sweet Neyla.
  8. Sending hugs and ear scritches to Charlie. I don't know anything about medications causing kidney problems, but here's a website that was helpful during the years we were managing Scout's chronic kidney problems: Diet info for kidney problems in dogs. In Scout's last year, we also gave him Azodyl, a nutritional supplement for kidney problems. It brought down his creatinine levels.
  9. Sending all our sympathy for your sweet William, and hugs to Miss Scarlett.
  10. Are you sure Darcy isn't just a big fuzzy cat? Nine lives, and all that. Hearty hugs to all.
  11. Sending ear scritches to Striker and cyberhugs to his humans.
  12. Best wishes to the Billmeister and his Lady.
  13. Welcome to you and Draco. I like his name. If you haven't already, you may want to search GreyTalk and find threads on Alone Training. Or get another greyhound to keep Draco company
  14. I am so sorry. All our sympathy to you and all of your Big Girl's family.
  15. Good girl, Jayne -- extra (non-chicken) treats for you!
  16. Kudos to both human and dog! Good job!
  17. Welcome to GreyTalk and greyhounds. I'm sorry you're having to worry about one of your hounds so soon. No experience here, just some general knowledge about laryngeal paralysis and the esophogus because I'm a speech therapist who works with swallowing in humans. Laryngeal paralysis is caused by damage to a cranial nerve, so yes, I suppose there could be some underlying neurological problem even in a younger dog like KK. But KK might have any one of a number of problems. I think LP dogs usually start choking or gagging when they eat, and you haven't mentioned that. Taking your vet a log of when events occur, whether anything is actually vomited (from stomach) or regurgitated (before it reaches the stomach), energy level, appetite, weight, how her poops look, etc., would probably be very helpful and help you work together to find a diagnosis. What areas were x-rayed? Can you take a copy to your regular vet? Welcome ear scritches to Jack and KK.
  18. Sending our warmest thoughts to you and your family.
  19. There was a dog at our adoption kennel whose huge overbite wasn't a health problem, but he needed a washbucket as a water bowl because he had to approach from the side and kind of skim over the water. He had a tiny, tiny lower jaw. As far as I know, he had a normal racing career.
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