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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I go to Ocean State and buy freeze dried cod that's marketed as cat treats. They are great for training, and it's pure cod so good for sensitive bellies. It's $4 for less than a pound, but there are a lot of treats in the container.
  2. Bu likes to lick his tags, which are hanging against his chest. It's odd watching him lick his own chest. It almost seems to soothe him at times. He's not obsessive, so I don't care. He also licks my bed sometimes. Now that's a wet spot I don't like.
  3. I don't have a yard, but I do have access to a fenced in tennis court. I have a grey, a small mutt and a foster grey Tuffy. My last foster grey Justin was adopted this week. When I first brought Tuffy home 2 months ago, Justin had already been with me for 2 months. Justin started eating small pebbles in the tennis court (by small, each pebble was the size of a piece of kibble). He ate about 5 pebbles in 2 days. I thought through what was happening and how I reacted and how he was reacting to me reacting to him. I realized that when he ate a pebble, I'd yell his name (in a playful manner) and start chasing Justin, which Justin LOVES. So I started chasing him around the tennis court more often when he wasn't eating pebbles and he stopped going for the pebbles. Essencially, he wanted more attention and this was his way to get it. Once I started giving him the attention when not related to the behavior, the behavior stopped. I don't know if that helps, but I hope it does. eta- Justin only ate a few pebbles and I noticed that they made it through him in a timely manner.
  4. As a pet sitter and a dog park visitor, I can tell you it's all breeds. I agree, designate an area. Supervise constantly for awhile and if she starts digging in an area you don't want her digging, bring her over to the area you do want her to dig in. When she digs in the right spot, praise her. You can also bury some goodies in the designated area to entice her and reward her. Good luck.
  5. Are you sure the beagle X didn't come downstairs and do it? I would try either a crate, or if you want to give him some more room you can get an x-pen.
  6. I don't know anything about carprofen, but generally the liver and kidney damage for meds come from long term use and not just 3 doses, so you probably (I can't promise, but I personally wouldn't worry too much if it were Bu) won't have any of those. As for the diziness, your vet should have immediately taken Zero off the med if he was having a severe side effect. I hope Zero feels better soon.
  7. Just curious what his racing name is and if he's related to my boy, Mike Needs Gas. My boy is about 85# and skinny. He's gained almost 20# with me and could still gain a few. He was having some slight medical issues before he came to me and was way underweight. He has a really high metabolism (eats about 6 cups of kibble a day). For him to gain the weight, he was on 8-9 cups of food a day plus lots of treats. He had soft poop until we found Taste of the Wild and his poops are good now, but he still eats a ton. I would add in a 1-3 cup lunch until your guy gains what he needs. eta- I've had Bu for 2 1/2 years and he's 5 years old and full of muscle.
  8. That sounds normal to me. Remember that the dogs don't know that you are a foster home. They think they are home so bonding with you is normal and in my opinion is a good thing because it means you are doing your job well. There will definitely be an adjustment for the dog when he goes to his forever home, but he will adjust, it just takes some time.
  9. I have an 86# hound who eats 6 cups a day to maintain his weight because his metabolism is insanely high. Most hounds, even really big ones, don't need 6-8 cups of food a day. I'm a dog walker and I don't know of any 100# dogs I walk that eat more than 4 or 5 cups of food a day. Has he been checked for worms and thyroid issues? Has he had a full checkup with blood work?
  10. I don't have experience with it in dogs, but my pupils have never dialated properly and the've never found any other issues. Other than being VERY sensitive to light, I don't have any other issues.
  11. I like nylabones and bully sticks.
  12. How severe is the bleeding? When exactly was her dental? I would see if shed eat sone ice or crushed ice. It would probably feel good on her gums.
  13. My standard poodle was on it for well over a year and possibly 3 or 4 (he died 5 years ago, so I can't remember) up until he died at 15 years old. We never had any issues.
  14. I would muzzle them until you know how they play better. I do know a greyhound that goes to the dog park and plays rough and wrestles with the labs and she has a blast, so she could just be playing. Muzzles never hurt and I have seen dogs play with and unstuff stuffies with muzzles on so the foster can still play.
  15. I've been known to get an itch that feels like a fly landed on me (I spend time in the woods) and will smack my arm etc. to get rid of it. Maybe he just has a tiny itch and feels like a bug landed and snaps at it without actually seeing it.
  16. Emma, I also posted on facebook, but I am so sorry. She may have been grumpy with other dogs, but she was a total sweetheart with me. Every time I gave her a treat, her eyes would twinkle and I just knew she was happy. Whenever I looked her way she gave me a sweet smile and whenever I had a paper towel, she tried to steal it so when I would leave one out purposely for her to steal the joy was palpable. She was a special girl and I feel honored to have loved her even for a bit and you and she were lucky to have found each other.
  17. Bu seems to be doing well today, although we've barely made of bed yet. I honestly don't think he ate it, but I unless I find that damn thing, I won't know for sure. Yes, that vet connection is awesome. He's just a really nice guy. I know he's a little pricier than other vets in the area, but its just worth it for me (it helps that they give me the frequent flyer discount lol).
  18. Very naughty. Thank you. I hope so too. My vet is awesome! His son actually answered the phone and I recognized his voice so I said "Hi Steve, it's Karen" and he goes "Hey how are you?" I said "not good, how are you?" he goes "good thanks, I guess you want my dad". I've had this vets home phone number for almost 20 years and it's only the 3rd time I've used it I think. I'm also a pet sitter. I try to use it VERY sparingly to not abuse the privilege. I also spend a ton of money at the vet so that helps too.
  19. I use Revolution and when I buy it through the vet they give me a free preventic collar. Win win. I go through the woods all the time and haven't had more than 1 or 2 ticks in over 2 years and we live in tick country. I've been very happy with it.
  20. I went out this evening and when I came home I found that Bu got into a bunch of things while I was out. Normally he is very good so I don't tend to worry unless there is food out. He's a free feeder and had run out of food and I think he just got hungry because it was a long day. Whatever the reason, he ripped up the box of puppy dose frontline I got for my little dog. I found the box, but not the actual frontline. I freaked out and searched for a few minutes then called my vet at home (he's a family friend and an awesome guy). Thankfully, because it was a puppy dose, my vet said he should be ok. I really don't know if he ate it. I'll probably find it in a couple days. What I don't understand is that there was also a heartgaurd in there and he didn't touch it. Why would he eat a nasty smelling chemical and not the pill that smells and tastes like a treat that was packaged with it? Due to that, I really don't think he ate it, but I'm still a bit freaked. He will now be muzzled when left alone. He has crate anxiety or I would crate him.
  21. I agree start small, but if he's getting that anxious I'd start even smaller. Before even giving him a ride feed him around the car and in the car. Also, use treats just for getting in the car and just practice doing that a bit, then proceed onto small rides then extend them when he is comfortable.
  22. You need to correct him before he hurts someone who doesn't know it's affection. Personally, I would give a quick, sharp "uh uh" and cross my arms over my chest, raise your chin (so you aren't looking anywhere near him) and turn your back on him. When he calms down, resume what you were doing before. This way, he will see that when he knits the fun completely stops and when he stops the fun starts again. So hopefully he'll try to control it before he starts so the fun continues.
  23. What about just sweet potato? The problem with just fasting the dog (at least my dog) is that sometimes if they are really hungry they will vomit some bile. I would just feed a small amount of sweet potato a few times a day to keep the bile down.
  24. My link These look like doggy sneakers and may be helpful. Dogs aren't allowed in REI, but if you bring him and tell them you are looking at the dog boots, they usually make an exception so the dog can try them on. eta: The REI outlet looks like they have some as well.
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