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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I think you can get it at the Enfield store and the Waterbury store in Connecticut.
  2. I grew up with a standard poodle. He was an awesome dog. Before we knew grapes were poisonous to dogs (which was after he died), his favorite treat was grapes. He had tons of grapes throughout his entire life and he lived to 15 years old (his life expectancy was 10-12). I'm not saying grapes aren't poisonous, but they don't affect all dogs the same way. Hopefully your guys do just as well with grapes as my poodle did. Let us know how the pups do.
  3. I've heard it depends on the clinic. I used to work at a doggy day care that a vet at the VCA clinic owned (he used to own the vet clinic as well and sold it to VCA, but continued to work there) and you couldn't pay me to use them. But then, I just found him to be a complete a$$. I also didn't hear the best things about him or the clinic. The vet I use is a goo 30 minutes from me and a bit more expensive than other vets, but I LOVE them and would use them myself if they would see people. For me it's worth it, but I understand that not everyone has the same bond with their vet.h
  4. I've been very happy with the switch. They are both made by the same parent company.
  5. I was looking forward to giving her some quality love. On the other hand, this way she went to the bridge with the people she loved by her side. Run free sweet Shannon.
  6. He could have been scratching an itch.
  7. How long ago was it? If it was under an hour, I would probably induce vomiting on them both.
  8. I agree with the muzzle and separation. A suggestion as to why things are escalating. As they age, their hearing can start to go, so your guy is probably starting to lose his hearing so he doesn't hear anyone coming so when he feels them or suddenly hears them, they are closer than he expects. Another suggestion is to put bells on the other dogs so maybe this guy can hear them sooner.
  9. Unfortunately, even chewed up it can cause a blockage if it balls up. I hope you see it soon in a heap of nastiness on your kitchen floor.
  10. Did you find any pieces of cloth? If so, were they small pieces? If so, hopefully the rest of the collar went down in small pieces. The dog may vomit it up. You may find it in poop in a day or 2. Or worst case scenario, it could cause a blockage. If any of the dogs start to act off, even in a week or 2, bring them to the vet, because the blockage could show up later. Keep on the look out, hopefully it comes out soon and painlessly.
  11. I don't know much, but sometimes if the needle goes in my moms arm wrong, she gets major bruising. Sometimes it just goes in wrong. Hopefully that is what happened. I'm glad it's not bothering her. I hope she feels better soon.
  12. Sambuca

    Becky Aka Piglet

    I'm so sorry. She sounds wonderful.
  13. Congrats. He is gorgeous and sounds like fun. Are the girls wearing skirts?
  14. Don't worry about the head being in there. The body will expel it like it does with splinters. Just keep an eye out for infection. You can try squeezing it out GENTLY like a pimple.
  15. Keep an eye on it, but I wouldn't worry about it to much. I second this.
  16. Wow, please don't invite me over to eat. I don't even want to imagine the smell. B.G. Before Grain also makes a canned tripe that Bu LOVES. My link sells dried green tripe, that doesn't smell too bad and I have crumbled it up over a bowl of kibble to get a dog to eat.
  17. It can take a month or 2 for the dog to adjust to a new food (even once totally switched over), so I suggest the 30# bag and switch gradually. I like to take at least 2 weeks to switch foods and longer if you want to use up whatever you have left of the old food.
  18. I wouldn't go to the vet for that. I'd keep it clean. If it starts to look infected, then I'd go to the vet.
  19. It looks like a callous to me. Could her toes be rubbing together there?
  20. Hopefully it's a lypoma (fatty growth). Older dogs are prone to them.
  21. I've heard cranberry is supposed to help with UTI's. I would ask your vet first though.
  22. If you're looking for an edible chew, I really like My link. The medium is a good size for my big grey and more price effective than the large. If you're not sure and only want to get 1, you can get 1 large, then decide on getting a whole bag of mediums.
  23. I haven't heard the best things about the edibles, but I love the hard chews.
  24. Just because it's rubbing the hair off, doesn't mean it's bothering him. Just like men who's socks have rubbed the hair off their legs. It doesn't bother them at all. Make sure the skin isn't at all irritated and if it's not, then I wouldn't worry about it. Is the martingale lined?
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