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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Congratulations, Irene and Len! She is gorgeous! Life with a broodie will be fun! Make no mistake, she is now in charge of your house. We hope to meet her the next time we are in town.
  2. Interesting Article: https://www.news-gazette.com/living/pets/pet-talk-ui-vet-med-clinical-trial-seeks-to-improve-amputation-procedure/article_9c599e33-58e1-509c-b66b-892c415c6f40.html
  3. Local TV in Delaware also provided some coverage. https://www.wmdt.com/2023/10/good-morning-delmarva-discusses-greyhounds-reach-the-beach/ https://www.wmdt.com/2023/10/annual-charity-event-raises-awareness-on-need-of-foster-homes-for-greyhound-dogs/
  4. Rocket was sunbathing in that photo. It is not enhanced in any way. We had a crate that was next to a large window. The crate was left open all the time in case Rocket wanted his own space (the whole house was his space) and he would hang out in the crate when the sunbeams were just right for sunbathing. That's what he was doing in that picture. That hole never heals completely, but one day when you least expect it you will find yourself laughing at some memory of Buddy and you will know that the healing has started.
  5. Well, I just saw this. We got home last night. Sorry we missed you, Jan. I didn't fire up the computer once on this trip, so didn't see this. Not using the computer for a week was actually a nice break though. Hopefully we'll see you next time. Don
  6. Buddy seems to be your equivalent of what Rocket was for me, that once-in-a-lifetime pup. He loved you and knew how loved he was. I'm once again sitting here with tears in my eyes for a dog I never met, but feel like I knew well. I am going to miss Buddy's posts and adventures. I am so sorry that he had to leave, but you kept your ultimate promise to Buddy. I have a feeling you will be seeing signs from him for a long time. Enjoy your trip, and smile at all of the memories. Run-free, Buddy.
  7. We've had our share of dogs with persistent hookworms. In almost every case we needed a couple of rounds of metronidazole to get the tummy back to normal during the hook worm treatment. The hookworms in dogs coming of fthe track here in the states can take up to a year to get rid of with monthly treatments approved by your vet. The current strain of hooks here is largely resistant to all but a few treatments, so it's a long term treatment, not a sprint to get rid of them. One clean fecal only means that there were no hooks in that particular sample. We don't stop treating until we get 3 clean fecals in a row, and even then we test at least once a year or if we see tummy symptoms that are unexplained for any length of time. We've been there, done that with just about every hound. Hope your dog is feeling better soon, but definitely consult your vet to keep metronidazole or something similar on hand for diarrhea/tummy upset when you are deworming.
  8. I'm just seeing this for the first time, but it sounds like Buddy is feeling a little better. Mark (10) has been more of a "brunch guy" for the past year or so and some days only eats one meal. He also doesn't turn down treats, so we've kind of accepted it as his normal. Oddly enough, once Gracie arrived and he realized that she liked his food as well as hers, he has become eager to eat when she does. All of our seniors have done this skipping a meal(s) thing at some point. We keep a case of magic canned chicken on hand and feed that if they go too long without eating, or if they suddenly have stomach grumbles or squeals. It seems to settle the tummy enough that they will go back to eating normally after a meal or two. Feel better sonn, Buddy.
  9. Gracie is on a mission to find the dogs in the video. She has searched the entire house.
  10. Fingers crossed. it would be shame if we couldn't fly back and had to spend a few extra weeks at the beach. I'm sure that Irene and Len have a spare dog bed we can sleep on.
  11. Backanforfing has commenced in the dezzert. Mark went back to bed but he is backandforfing in spirit and his dreams.
  12. Thanks everyone! We are loving every minute of this girl being here. Gracie only lived about 2 miles from us and several people have commented to Chris on Facebook that they have previously met Gracie while she was out on her walks. When her Mom was not able to walk her any longer, one of the neighbors took her for a daily walk, so she is somewhat of a Sun City Celebrity.
  13. We will bak and forfing here in the dezzert but maybe not quite so early. Time zones and sleep priorities, you know. AnnIE you will feel so much better when those teeth are just a memory.
  14. Chris gets in the floor to do her daily puzzles on the IPad. Gracie helps.
  15. We are nervously watching the potential government shut down. I have a feeling that air travel will be a real pain if the shut down happens. There are 4 of us flying in from 2 different states to meet up at the airport with out flights landing about 15 minutes apart. I have a feeling that plan will have a big wrench thrown in if it happens.
  16. After losing LaVida, DW said "no more dogs." Meet Gracie. A few weeks ago my cell phone rang and it was one of the enablers from the local GPA group . When I saw the Caller ID I said "We must be getting a new dog." Gracie had been in her previous home for about 5 years, and her owner was in failing health. We were asked to consider meeting her if anything happened to the owner. 3 days later, we had a call to go meet Gracie - in an hour. Okay..... We met a neighbor at Gracie's house and Gracie instantly velcroed herself to both Chris and I. We spent about an hour with Gracie and the neighbor, being filled-in on the situation. Gracie's Mom had been taken to the hospital that morning and wasn't expected to return home. Without getting into too many details, Gracie stayed in the care of the neighbors so that they could take her to visit her Mom in hospice. She got to visit her twice, and several days later we received a call to come and pick Gracie up, as she would not be able to visit again. Sadly, her Mom passed a few days later. Mark was happy to see another greyhound, but they don't interact much. Gracie makes sure to follow him outside so that she doesn't miss anything, but so far, no playing together. Enough of the story. We have a new "velcro girl," and Chris has the snuggler that she always wanted. Gracie will be 9 in January, and has now been here for about 10 days. We are in touch with her Mom's family who are all in other states, and they are in the loop with pictures of her settling in here. They couldn't take her, and were happy that she went to a "greyhound house." Welcome home, Gracie! Meet Gracie: On the ride home: She found the BIG Slumber Ball In her preferred sunbathing spot Mark and Gracie checking out a bocks from an admirer Gracie checking out a bocks from another admirer Whot space issue? Got toyz? And having the house special - French Fries.
  17. Wiki, you are beautiful! Keep doing you! I miss my broodies! Once Kate discovered toys and play, she would come into the bedroom every night at about midnight to get me. I would have to come to the living room while she did spins and flung toys. She only did that late at night after everyone had gone to bed, but she always shared it with me.
  18. Excellent job, Buddy! I think you deserve fries (chips) for being so good. We've been lucky enough to have acupuncture done here at home by a mobile vet when the dogs needed it. Nothing like finding a needle in the carpet later in the evening when you weren't looking for one. It was simply an accident, but after that, we both count the needles when they go in and come out.
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