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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I haven't seen pics of Charlie in ages. Looking good, buddy! Looks like it will be a fun week at your house!
  2. Petunia would have had you fired for that...
  3. But after trying to read that, I now know the warning sign of cataracts...
  4. A wet microfiber cloth usually takes it right off. I still have some of Rocket's art work inside my van windows and he left us in 2018. I am in no hurry to clean it off.
  5. Thanks Irene. We are pretty much back on lockdown here although we were only doing necessary trips for groceries anyway. We went back to grocery delivery this week to avoid being out and about at all.
  6. Chewy stock comes and goes rapidly. The easiest thing to do with Chewy is to setup auto-delivery. During the lockdown, I switched ours to every 3 weeks instead of once a month just to ensure we would get it because the shipping times were excruciatingly long. I just this week switched it back as we ended up with one more bag on hand than usual so I was able to slow the deliveries back to the normal cycle. If your order is on auto-delivery they will reserve inventory for your order first when it comes in or when it is due in if there's a backorder. Rocket had a lot of stomach issues from stress colitis. The Purina Pro Plan Focus Large Breed worked well for him but is chicken based. Kate and Petunia are on it also and they do well on it. Kate is still hookworm positive but has had literally no stomach issues during treatment on this food. We do also give her the RX Zyme and Rx Biotic supplements on her food to ease any potential stomach distress from the hooks, but the food really works well for her. She is soft and shiny and maintaining her girlish figure just fine on it.
  7. I wasn't sure how I was going to react to a brindle who looked a lot like Rocket but it was fine. It's been a long time since we've had a red brindle here. Petunia gets along fine with everyone, but she is all broodie. As soon as any hound comes in she tries to herd them, and follows them everywhere, basically riding herd on their every move. it's strictly her being a broodie and wanting to be in charge - aka the fun police. Once they are out in the yard she tries to get them all to run and play like she did with her puppies. In Tiger's case, Petunia kept doing the typical greyhound butt sniff which Tiger did not like and she let Petunia know that she wasn't having any of it. Everyone got along fine though and I had to just keep an eye on Petunia because she was getting in Tiger's space a little too much the whole time Tiger was here. Tiger stood her ground and gave a couple of warning growls when she had enough, and Petunia definitely had those coming. On the other hand, when Snickers is here they start playing bitey face with each other, and Kate and Petunia will both groom Snickers like she's one of their puppies.
  8. Petunia and Kate had a visit yesterday from Snickers and Tiger, who was staying with Snickers this weekend. Tiger has ancestry on both sides very similar to Rocket, so there were lots of similarities between Tiger and my boy. It was great to have a new visitor for a few hours, and Tiger was adorable! Also, she's a rooer and rooed at me while I was making my coffee. I guess she hadn't had her morning cup yet either. Petunia was KNOT great about maintaining her social distance, but Tiger took it in stride and gave her a warning. The morning consisted primarily of watching hounds sleep and telling Petunia to behave. Here's Tiger Snickers in the back yard pretending that she can't hear me calling her to come inside Petunia posing for the camera and of course, Kate doing what Kate does
  9. That boy had the greatest ears ever. We always loved his pictures here. I am so glad you were able to be there for him when Pat could no longer be there. Run-free, Gizmo. Ear scritches to Bandita from Camp Broodie.
  10. I can't remember the size of the bag we bought but it was rather large and has lasted for years. If you overfill them the hounds don't seem to like it, they still want to be able to nest the bed into various shapes. I'd start with 5 if you are getting free shipping and order a larger size or multiple bags if you have to pay for shipping.
  11. Yeah - even if we could get the girls to wear their masks, social distancing goes out the window with the traditional greyhound greeting. (The butt sniff for those wondering.) We may all have to quarantine for two weeks prior and then only go to the party....
  12. Happy Gotcha Day, Buddy! You are one handsome dude!
  13. Foster and Smith used to sell bags of the actual shredded foam they were made with, but you can really use just about any shredded foam or shredded memory foam. The inside liner of the bed has a zipper so it's super easy to refill as much or as little as you need. Amazon and Etsy have boxes and bags of various types of shredded foam, as do places like Joanne's, Michaels or Wal-Mart. You can also re-stuff them with just about anything else like other dog beds, comforters etc. We still have a little bit of the Foster and Smith foam for ours, so haven't had to buy another brand or type yet.
  14. Happy Birthday, Val! Petunia and Kate say "Screw the pandemic - let's party..." Hope we can get together soon and celebrate all of these 12 year old young girls!
  15. The girls take things that they walk or fall asleep on very seriously! Petunia says you also can't beat the price! (She's kinds cheap thrifty)
  16. We bought this for the ceramic tile floor that the girls have to walk on to get to the back door. It has not moved since we put it down. They have a number of sizes and styles in this brand and they are pretty cheap compared to others we looked at. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XD28CMU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  17. Happy Birthday, Emma!!! Make sure your mom gets some fries wherever she gets dinner from!
  18. Cletus mah frend.... Good werk figgering out how to make her take dat kone off. Patoonia
  19. Now, you realize there's a story there that we all want to hear. Love that boy!
  20. GPA Arizona and AAGI both show available hounds on their websites. The group you are dealing with either has a big backlog of applicants, or has no scheduled hauls coming in which is entirely possible due to it being summer. Dog hauls, public meet and greets at the pet supply stores, and play groups all pretty much stop in AZ in the summer due to the heat, and will resume in November. There may still be a few small hauls done by individuals in those months, but the big haulers usually stop in the hottest months.
  21. Just to add to what Greysmom said, she also has likely never had to pee or poo while on a leash. That is a huge adjustment for a greyhound. If you can give her some space to go behind a bush or use a longer lead to give her a little distance between the two of you, you will likely see some improvement. This is all new for her, so with time and a new daily routine that stays the same, she will adjust accordingly. Just be sure to securely hold the leash if giving her room. You don't want her getting away due to a loose hold on the leash.
  22. Thanks for the above. I will check them out. I'm pretty sure that Pet Supply Express has a lock on the UK web market with a whole bunch of domain names selling products. I will say that they have been responsive to emails about the site, and I think I am probably dealing with the owner since they seem to know a great deal about their card processor etc. They have always provided excellent service, although I am having these issues this time using Chrome. I was actually thinking about trying a different browser one more time. I did find a promotion last night on our vet's prescription ordering site that makes me think it may not be worth messing with UK shipping this time with all of the delays. I need to re-check it today and if we qualify for the promotion from one of the manufacturers, I think it's going to have me spending $20 or 30 more this time and the meds will be here this week, so, not really worth dealing with shipping delays and international tracking etc. Thanks to everyone for the info.
  23. We've been using PetsupplyExpress from the UK for the meds for the modified hookworm protocol for Kate and Petunia. Kate's latest fecal just came back positive so I am trying to order another 6 month supply at a reasonable price. Previously, our experience with their website and service has been excellent. Since Friday when I first tried to order, The Pet Supply Express website has been very buggy, declining credit cards (Visa and Discover say the transaction isn't making it to them to be declined, and they won't decline it since I've purchased from this UK site in the past.) The company suggested I try one of their other sites but that site doesn't have the items we need listed or in stock depending on the item. Their site also won't let me use trackable shipping like usual. There are lots of red flags and additional problems with the site shopping cart, but their customer service has been responsive trying to figure it out. Does anyone have another supplier they have reliably used in the past couple of months since COVID hit? Apparently there are also issues with shipping from the UK in a timely manner due to COVID, so I may need to go elsewhere. The prices from the UK have been less than half the price of the US suppliers, so would prefer to find a provider with similar pricing. Any thoughts on other suppliers you've ordered from recently at decent prices appreciated. I'm looking for Advantage Multi (Advocate) and Drontal Plus.
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