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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Several of the people I can think of who may have experience with this are away at the Mountain Hounds event this week/weekend. They may not see the post until they return, so just wanted to let you know that responses may come a little later than usual.
  2. I would not leave her alone overnight since she thrives on routine which means that someone is at home. Extreme changes in the routine may not go well, but just staying somewhere else isn't a big deal since the hounds were used to being moved around to different tracks and farms while they raced. Ask your adoption group if they have a boarding kennel that they recommend or a list of people who will board your hound with their own greyhounds. In our case, we have a group of 4 greyhound owners who take each other's hounds when one of us is away. We don't charge each other or keep a tally of the number of days for any reason. It works out well for us since everyone's dogs are used to coming and going to visit at our houses anyway, and none of us have to worry about the dogs while we are away. Depending on where you are located, there may also be a greyhound specific boarding facility if you ask other owners who they use. For example, in Indianapolis there is The Greyhound Resort . Rocket loved the resort when we lived in the Midwest and could have cared less when we dropped him off there. I think there is also a greyhound exclusive boarding kennel in Tucson AZ. I'm sure there are probably others as well. Good luck.
  3. Rocket loved baby carrots. And oranges/tangerines. And Bananas. Petunia says we are trying to poison her.
  4. Panacur works over multiple treatments and is doing what it should be doing. There will always be blood coming out when dealing with hookworms. They literally attach hooks into the the tummy wall which causes the bleeding. Your vet should prescribe another course of Panacur to be repeated in 2-3 weeks, and you may need something like metronidazole prescribed as well to help heal the stomach. Since this is a smaller dog, I would stick with Panacur unless the vet determines something stronger is needed. If so, then something like Drontal Plus may be needed but you will only know that after a couple more fecal tests at regular intervals. Remember that these treatment are essentially poison, so you need to be careful about moving to stronger things when they aren't needed. Over time, hookworms in Greyhounds have become resistant to some of the treatments used to eradicate them, requiring stronger meds and longer times to get rid of them. Our last 2 new dogs took almost a year to fully eradicate the hookworms with monthly treatments. This is due to the the prevalence of hookworms in the kennel and farm environments that the greyhounds live in. Hopefully your dog will respond well to the Panacur or Drontal Plus. Also note that one clean fecal test does not mean you are rid of the hookworms. You need at least 3 clean tests over several months because of the cyclical nature of the eggs and hatching. One clean test only means that there were no eggs at that time. Multiple tests are required for confirmation. There are multiple threads on this forum about hookworms. Don't let those scare you if you happen to read them. The hookworms are fully treatable but it can take some work and time. Good luck.
  5. Happy Birthday at The Bridge, Katie. We miss you.
  6. Yes! I forgot to list those. She's been getting Olewo Carrots with her canned food. Those carrots ended up being magic for Rocket's stress colitis for several years so we always keep them on hand. She's turning into a little chow hound but only weighed in at 46 lbs this week. We will be trying to put a little weight on her now that the tummy is back to normal.
  7. There are probably numerous opinions on how long a dog can stay muzzled and I'm not sure any of them would be 100% correct. For me, muzzles are for short term use while dogs are playing or in close quarters like riding in a car together. Other people will have differing opinions. My main concern would be if the rabbit decides to take off at high speed like they sometimes do, even the most non-prey drive greyhound might decide that it's game-on. Our boy Rocket would routinely walk right by wild rabbits in the yard and never bat an eye, but if a rabbit decided to take off running in front of him, he usually came back with the dead rabbit in his mouth as a reflex.
  8. Starz went outside today and her poo bounced for the first time since she's been here. Thank you IAMS Green Bag.
  9. I've had greyhounds and rabbits but not together. Personally, I don't think you can ever be 100% assured that your rabbit would be safe out of the cage if left alone. Things happen, and greyhounds will be greyhounds. I did one home check for our adoption group in years past when the adopter had a house rabbit, and I only approved the adoption with the stipulation that the owner agreed that the rabbit would never be unattended with the greyhound. I made the adopter sign the home inspection report acknowledging that we had that conversation.
  10. Plane tickets purchased! Woo Hoo! Also - for anyone traveling Route 50 who isn't aware, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge is now a cashless toll. You are required to either use EZPass / IPass etc, or the toll facility will mail a bill to the address that your vehicle license is registered to. This isn't a big deal if using your own vehicle as you will just receive a video tolling bill in the mail if you don't have an EZ Pass in the car. (It's not a violation, just a bill for the toll.) For those using rental cars, check the tolling options for your rental car company in advance. Most of them charge a hefty administrative fee in addition to the actual toll. I ordered an IPass from the Illinois Tollway to use in the rental car as Illinois does not charge additional monthly or quarterly fees for out of state residents to have a transponder. The IPass will work anywhere on the EZPass network and there have been a few times it would have been convenient for us to have while traveling instead of getting stuck in a long line to pay cash at a toll plaza. Days to GRTB
  11. My wife has a friend in Omaha who would likely know the local boarding places for greyhounds. We've sent the question to her and will advise when we get a response. We took our boy Rocket to the Greyhound Hall of Fame during a cross country trip. Great people there and the resident dogs at the time were very sweet. We got one of our favorite pictures of Rocket posing with his granddaddy's Hall of Fame plaque. Several years later his Daddy was inducted into the HOF but we never got back there to get another picture. One word of advice, get yourself a portable weather radio if you will be staying in hotels. During our trip, we encountered tornado warnings on 3 of the 4 nights that we were in Missouri and Kansas. The portable weather radio alerted us. You can also make sure that you have the Wireless Emergency Alerts turned on for your cell phone which will also alert you based on your phone's location.
  12. Happy Birthday, Jagger! Make sure that your Dad flips you over a time or two so that your stripes stay even.
  13. Yay! She will still have enough teeth to steal socks and slippers.
  14. Let us know when you have an update on Annie Mayhem. Petunia and Starz are waiting with bait on their breath.
  15. That's awesome! You are pretty much on schedule based on our recent experiences with two dogs off of racing farms. We were pretty much an entire year to get 3 clean fecal tests in a row with each of them. You will see big improvements in your dog as well once those hooks are gone. Congratulations!
  16. Annie... Hang in there Annie. You get stinky mushy food for a few days afterward. It's awesome.
  17. Thanks everyone! We are in love with this girl and hope that she is here for a long time. She's showing her age a little, but we are slowly getting some weight back on her and will have the vet do some chriropractic treatment and/or laser treatments to help with mobility since she is a little stiff at times. Other than showing some signs of her age, she is a spunky, happy girl who loves her food and loves everyone she meets. I can see why her family took her to so many meet and greets over the years.
  18. If you need to replace the foam, you could do so with one made to dry fast. Typically used in outdoor cushions but should work for accidents where the foam gets wet. https://www.foambymail.com/SHREDBAG-D/shredded-dryfast-foam.html
  19. Happy Gotcha Day, Logan. You are one handsome dude.
  20. It may be more of a reflex since they often will squat when they lift their tail to defecate. Maybe picking up the tail makes him squat?
  21. Thanks! We know that squealy tummy too well. Rocket had tummy issues for years and the carrots were one of the things that helped to get his colitis under control. Thanks for posting about the new product. It may come in handy.
  22. We have been big fans of the carrots over the years as several of our hounds have had tummy issues. I'm curious if you tried this new product in response to any particular issue or just to add some variety to feeding time. If used for a tummy issue, how well did it work? Thanks
  23. It's summer in the desert. Things need to be aired out regularly.
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