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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Pacing, panting, stretching an unusual amount? See link for other symptoms Symptoms of bloat.
  2. There are a number of past threads on this very subject since it is a common problem. Enter "loose dog" or "aggressive dog" in the search box with the quotes and you will find lots of posts about the items people carry to ward off aggressive dogs. People here carry everything from dog repellent or pepper spray, to riding crops, tasers and firearms depending on their local laws. The main thing is to find what works to make the dog turn around and go the other way before it gets near your hound. Hound skin tears easily, and if the loose dog gets close enough to get in altercation, it can be deadly. (Not trying to scare you, but for the most part we are realists about the danger that loose aggressive dogs present to the hounds.) I carry Halts2 dog repellent which shoots a 10 -15 foot stream, and either a walking stick or riding crop. Since we are in the People's Republic of Illinois, we are severely restricted as to the items we are allowed to legally carry. Welcome to GreyTalk. Don't let the responses on this topic scare you. It boils down to what works for you.
  3. Congratulations Skye!!!!!! Just think, with 3 dogs in a condo, among your neighbors you go from beng "the lady with the greyhounds" to "crazy dog lady" status....... :rotfl
  4. There has been some discussion about this in the past. Might want to search the names on Gt and see if the threads still come up. I don't remember specifics, except that Rocket is in the same lines and we hold our breath every time he stumbles a little or holds up his paw. Fortunately, it's usually a charley horse, or something between his toes on a walk.
  5. The only way to get a read on the food itself is to discontinue all of the add-ins like yogurt and probiotics for a couple weeks. Then, slowly add one thing back in at a time, about once every 2-3 weeks. This is is the only way to know what is actually impacting the tummy. You don't want to give new treats during that time either, if you give new treats, then don't do the add-in. Often the food isn't the problem, but one of the other things they are eating in combination with it can really throw things off. Been there, done that! Good luck.
  6. Time4ANap


    Beautiful pictures of your boy. Run-free Ryan.
  7. I am so sorry for your loss Marc. Run free sweet Kara.
  8. The hook really can't live inside the house as it needs soil to thrive. However if your other dog comes into contact with a poop accident from the infected dog, it would be possible to become infected through paw contact then licking the paws, or being a poop eater. Bleach is the most common cleaning solution to sanitize the surface that has been in contact with the eggs. From checking around, it looks like either Bleach or an Iodine solution are the 2 methods that work. The bigger concern is making sure that you pick up and dispose of the dog waste as soon as it hits the ground. Even then, there is a chance that some eggs may shed into the ground and live in the yard. We have members here who will most likely provide additional info. This is about as much as i know about them, and there may be other suitable cleaning methods that I'm not aware of, and other info that they can provide.
  9. We have a rule in our house -no petting unless the hound is standing up. Many hounds sleep with their eyes open - it doesn't matter that it was your daughter who approached him, it wasn't personal or directed specifically at her. The same thing would have happened if you reached down from the bed and touched him, or brushed him with your foot getting out of bed if he was startled. I'm sure that your hound probably loves playing with the kids, but they need to understand that if the hound is laying down, they are NOT to approach or pet him. Visitors and the kid's friends need to understand the rule also. He is not necessarily awake just because his eyes are open and it is DANGEROUS to startle him. That does not mean that the dog is dangerous, he is simply protecting himself from the unknown because he was asleep when something touched him. In our house, the people who have made that mistake, (me included) have ended up with a well deserved bite. In both cases, the bite went through the hand completely, I was lucky that it caught the web between the thumb and index finger. The other person needed stitches which brought Animal Control to the house, and a 2 week quarantine with no walks. The other option was that they would confiscate him and keep him at AC for 2 weeks. Fortunately Rocket is a charmer, and charmed the female AC officer who understood that he was sleep startled and allowed the in-house quarantine instead of confiscation. . It is an adjustment. Rocket has been here for almost 4 years, and we still don't pet him if he's laying down. His space, is his space. Good luck!
  10. Maybe a stomach ache given that had both a hot dog and ice cream in addition to his regular meal? Just a thought. Is the hot dog necessary? I can just give Rocket the interceptor and he swallows it with nothing added. If he needs the hot dog to take the pill, maybe cut 1/4 cup or so out of his dinner kibble and avoid the ice cream on Interceptor day.
  11. Sorry to see that you and your boy are going through this. No medical advice to offer, just hope that he is better soon.
  12. If you are seeing them they are probably tapeworms or some type of roundworm. Drontal Plus will take care of them, but check with the vet to see if you need to wait since you just finished the Panacur. Normally, hookworms can only be seen under the microscope.
  13. Any mulch that says "Playground Mulch" on the bag is usually ground very fine and has less sharp / splintered material in it. It also won't last quite as long and will need to be topped off occasionally. I have some shredded cypress mulch in one part of our turnout area to keep the mud down, and have had no problems with it getting into paws. Usually once you water down the mulch, and the rain hits it a few times, it is pretty well compacted, no matter which type it is. There is usually a display with samples of each mulch somewhere in the store. You may have to ask where it is. That will let you feel he coarseness of it before you decide on one. No cocoa mulch as it is poisonous to dogs.
  14. Licking it or actually eating it? New drywall is wet / moist for up to a year. There is probably some smell in it that she likes. You might need to muzzle her and use a stool guard. Rocket licked one of the corners on a wall by his bed when he first got here. A little drywall mud and a little paint and it's good as new.
  15. I only use 1 GasX tablet when I give it to Rocket and he's over 70 lbs. You could probably see if there is a child dosage on the package and use that as a guideline. If you can cut them without having them break apart, try 1/4 pill and go from there. Edited to add - we were posting at the same time. There is a tablet form of GasX that can be cut. Make sure that what you have is regular GasX, and not one of the versions that contain additional drugs / features. it should only say GasX, not GasX Plus or have any letters behind the name.
  16. Squirty cheese can also be pretty appetizing when you need to get meds in them. You can seal up some bread with it so they don't know there's a pill inside. When I had to give Rocket liquid panacur recently, there was no way i was getting that syringe near his mouth. Being the bread lover that he is - I bought some of those little Hawaiian rolls, injected the panacur into them, and topped them with squirty cheese....he thought it was the best thing ever....Panacur administered. After the 2nd day, he would come to the kitchen looking for his cheese sandwich....
  17. Yup - statuing. Nothing to do with being new, just being stubborn or something has his attention in the distance. Usually I will walk the opposite direction we were going and then loop back around. If this doesn't work or he statues again, I grab the leash right where it connects with the collar and put some tension on it. This is similar to the way they are led on the track before a race, and he seems to get that he is going to go where I want him to when I do that. Don't yank or tug, but more of nudge. Rocket also knows that when I say "this way," that's the way we ARE going to go.
  18. Batmom to the rescue! Rocket is sending get well wishes and high-fours (that's a greyhound high-five) to Merlin - even if he does hit on Lexie. Hope he's feeling better soon.
  19. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss of Dante. Run pain free Dante.
  20. I wouldn't read too much into it. He's getting a drink. If there are other problems associated with it later, then take another look at it.
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