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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. As you work on the diet (make changes, try new foods, etc) - be sure to only change one thing at a time so that you know what works. That means no different treats and don't mix 2 new foods at the same time while you are doing the change, or you won't know which change causes an issue.
  2. You are changing too many things in the diet at once. The hound's stomach is probably upset. Also, 6 cups a day sounds like way too much food. Is that what the Pro-plan calls for for your hound's weight? Overfeeding is one of the most common causes of diarrhea, with a too-fast food switch often being one of the other main causes. Your hound is drinking normally, so it sounds like dehydration isn't a concern. I would do the following: 1. Double check the Pro-plan feeding instructions and verify the correct amounts. Many instructions are poorly written, and will say someting like feed 3-4 cups in two feedings. What they are actually instructing is to divide that amount into 2 feedings a day, so be sure that you are following the directions as intended. If you are feeding the correct amount, there is most likely no need for the canned. If you are feeding both, you need to figure out the calories in both and cut back the amount of each proportionally to give your hound the correct amount of each food to prevent overfeeding. 2. I would definitely cut out the canned until you see if the hound needs it to supplement the kibble. By feeding the proper amount of kibble, and cutting out the canned, your diarrhea problem will most likely go away unless there's some reason your dog can't tolerate that particular kibble. If the diarrhea continues more than 2 days after cutting back the food, you may need to follow a short-term cooked ground beef and rice diet to heal the stomach. Good luck. Hope your hound is feeling better soon.
  3. All of the problems make me wonder if TOTW will take their manufacturing elsewhere. Unless someting has changed since the time that we fed it, TOTW is it's own company, and had a contract with Diamond to manufacture the food. It won't surprise me to see them make a decision to manufacture in-house or move to another manufacturer. Those things all take time of course, which they may not have if they've seen a significant loss in business.
  4. We used to feed TOTW but it was too rich for Rocket. When we were feeding it, it wasn't unusual to have some color variation from bag to bag because the final step in their production is some type of spray coating of the kibble. That can cause color variations that are normal. Kibble size also varied depending on which plant it came from, as the cutters and dies used to form the kibble will vary from machine to machine. We contacted their customer service department back then with some questions, and they were very responsive. If you have a concern about a particular issue, I wouldn't hesitate to call them. If it's slight product variations like noted above, not a big deal. if you are finding stray pieces of other types of kibble in with your food, then I would have issues with that because something in the process wasn't cleaned out properly before your product was manufactured or bagged. If that's the case, call the company and give them the codes on the bag so they can track it.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss of Jack. Run-free sweet boy.
  6. Here's a link to all of the past threads on this topic - lots of good info throughout.
  7. I was stunned to see Ekko's name here. Ekko stories were some of the first things i read when i joined GT, and her infamous "book" will live on here. I am so sorry for your loss. She brought laughter and joy not only to her Mom, but to thousands of people she never met. Run free sweet girl.
  8. Welcome home Teddi!!!!! Congratualtions!!!!
  9. We've used both successfully - either should be overcooked.
  10. Try some Ensure, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese. Given the things that he;s turned down, he may just not feel like eating. He may feel more like eating once the fever breaks.
  11. Poor girl! Hope she is feeling better soon. Not a fun way to spend the night when you have to go to work in the morning.
  12. What were the pills? It can take several treatments to get rid of the worms because of their life / hatching cycle. Could just be more worms / eggs coming out, or maybe some bile in the stool? I would only attack one problem at a time. Get the worms cleared up and go from there if it's still an issue.
  13. Being round like it is, I'm wondering if it's a bite - like a spider or something. Is it swollen?
  14. Thank you for taking her in! She is adorable! I guess she found her "real family."
  15. You can always tell when they feel better. Right back to mooching.......
  16. Seeing PriairieProf's post reminded me that I left out some things. if they have whatever Rocket had, 2 courses of Flagyl had no effect on it and did not help. The university vets specifically kept him off of it when they did the second round of Panacur. I agree that Flagyl should be the first course of action - just completely forgot to post that we did it. We should buy stock in Flagyl around here..... Rocket is usually a chow hound and eats anything. The last time he had stomach issues, he refused to eat the Hill's ZD. He loves the Purina HA and will even accept it as a treat. The other reason they tried the HA this time was that they wanted to get all chicken out of his system in case the issue was food related, so didn't want thim to have eggs.
  17. Just battled something similar with Rocket for the last 2 months. Did 2 rounds of Panacur about 10 days apart in the course of treatment and that seemed to be the thing that helped along with a prescription food (Purina HA). Cooking a bland diet did not help this time, and the Purina HA food which is primarily soybeans really seemed to calm his tummy. It started much like you are describing, and progressed to a point where he was vomiting a bloody liquid and also shooting it out the back end on the same day. At that point I took him to the ER at the U of I VetMed school. All tests were negative and all of his bloodwork was fine. We initially did a 3 day Panacur treatment and it was obvious that he felt better. About 10 days later, he was still having the runs, and started vomiting brownish bloody liquid along with diarrhea that looked the same. That was when he went to the ER. Even though the SNAP tests were negative, they did a second round of Panacur for 5 days instead of three. We could tell that he felt better after the first dose, but it took almost 10 days before he was really feeling and acting like his old self. Whatever this was, it's pretty nasty. Keep them hydrated, they may not feel like eating if it's what Rocket had. He was turning down food at the time that he was the sickest. Feel better soon Hero and Althea!
  18. I would first try de-worming him, even if the fecal test is negative. Worms are cyclical, so this could explain the recurring bouts. If that doesn't do it, try a different protein source as the main ingredient in food. If both of the foods that caused problems are chicken based, try a food without chicken etc.... It can take some time to find the right food. We go through this about once a year with Rocket as he seems to build up a food intolerance after a while. Usually a change to a different protein source and he goes back to normal. Since the problem is only 30 or 40% of the time, also take a look at any treats he is eating - is he getting anything in particular around the same time that the diarrhea starts? Good luck.
  19. Usually has to do with the distributor they buy through. TSC buys in huge quantities and often has very good prices. Our local feed store does a lot of volume, yet on some foods they just can't come close to the big places on price because of the distribution channel they have to buy through. Many of the manufacturers do not do direct sales to the stores, especially on smaller quantities of less than a pallet at a time. Buying through a distributor where there's a higher product and transportation cost may be the local store's only option to carry certain foods.
  20. Good girl Brees! and Happy Father's Day to yur brudder Joe!
  21. Sounds like you have it well covered. Don't let her dehydrate. If she won't drink, try some broth in the water.
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