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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I've seen articles indicating that animals of all kinds can often feel tremors long before there's an actual earthquake. There's a good chance he was feeling the tremors or tuned in with what was about to happen. I definitely wouldn't rule it out that the earthquake caused him to be like that. Hope that's all it was and that he's ok from this point on.
  2. There is no reprimanding a dog after the fact. They won't know why or what you are talking about. Only a stern NO or LEAVE IT at the time of the occurence will work. Sounds like she needs to be crated when you are gone.
  3. Meeting Bee Wiseman and Murray at Dewey last year is one of my favorite memories, even though we knew then that she would be leaving soon. Fast forward a year, and hanging out on the beach with you guys last week, it was obvious that Bee Wiseman was there in spirit. I am so happy that I got to meet her, and so sad that she had to leave. We see and remember her every day here. Her picture is on our Pop Dog wall. :beatheart
  4. I never met him, but will really miss that sweet boy. Run Free Pal.
  5. I'm so sorry Jan. There are just no words. Run free Pal.
  6. I'm so sorry Jan. I know this little girl had the best 4 months of her life at Camp Greyhound. Thank you for taking her in! Run free Mimi SizzlePants.
  7. Could he be itching and it's not related to the other issues? Lots of ragweed blooming and I see Rocket doing the same thing along with scratching, even though he is on allergy meds. Just a thought. Could also be tingling and not really pain since nerves are involved.
  8. How I can sit here full of tears for a dog that I've never met, I have no idea. Bill was like family, even though I've never met him or his family. Thank you for catering (literally) to this special boy, whose antics had us in hysterics. I am so sorry that he left so quickly. I hope that someday when the pain lessens a little, you can honor him by printing his book of dinner conversations. Bill: it's all right legs, shaky cheese, whippy cream, cookies and Burpdogs at the bridge. Run pain-free buddy. The flower icon just doesn't seem appropriate here.
  9. Time4ANap


    My condolences for the loss of your Dad and Ice.
  10. More media BS for the sake of generating a story and a scare. The rice has nohing on the levels of arsenic most of us were exposed to as kids when it was in everything from bug spray to household cleaners. Not even gonna worry about it! Now - who wants some rice pudding?
  11. Here's a good tutorial. Go to www.doberdawn.com and scroll to the bottom of the left column for the link on Dremeling Nails. This site moves to different hosts from time to time, so using the URL I gave you will let you find it if you need it in the future.
  12. Try some white bread or a roll or some toast broken up in the bowl to get something in her stomach. If that doesn't work, you might need to try some bland food like boiled chicken breast and rice for a few days. Once in a while Rocket will vomit bile when his tummy is empty. Hasn't haapened in a while now, but i usually try to give him just about anything he likes to get some food in his stomach, even if it's treats or a cookie. Bile is usually an indication that he tummy is empty. If she's not drinking enough, you can try putting some chicken broth in the water to coax her to drink. Dehydration is a bigger threat than not eating for a day or so. How old is she? How long have you had her? Listing any past medical issues may help get a few more answers. Sometimes just getting a little someting into an empty tummy will help jumpstart them back to eating.
  13. I'm very sorry for your sudden loss. You wrote a wonderful tribute to your friend. Run pain free Snappy.
  14. Happy Birthday pretty girl. We miss you. :beatheart
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful tribute to your special boy. Run Free Anubis.
  16. Today we went on a mission to eliminate the irritants that are making Rocket itch. Vacuumed the house twice, washed all of the dog bed covers, dog blankets and small rugs, then furminated him 3 times, slicker brushed him 3 times, and furminated him again right before a bath with a shampoo called Bobbie's Itchy Dog. The furminator seemed to be the biggest help along with the bath. Since the bath and putting the clean covers back on, he has barely scratched anything. Might be a different story when we get back from out walk tomorrow morning, but we do wipe face, paws and legs when we get back. All of that pollen builds up on stuff when he brings it in on his fur.
  17. Sounds like there's yet another hound on GT whose first name is "Damnit!"
  18. Looks like Rocket's paws last year from allergies. Last year they were so bad that licking them caused infection, so he was on antibiotic, chlorpheneramine, and Pred. So far this year we are getting by with the chlorpheneramine, but I am actually going to call tomorrow and see about trying Zyrtec or something else. He was up all night last night itching and licking. They are harvesting corn nearby, and the corn dust is on everything here, so you can't breathe without inhaling it. Note that Benadryl may be less effective on that type of allergy. Might be worth a call to your vet to see what they are dispensing for allergies currently. Usually, if one dog in an area is having allergy issues, many are, so the vet has probably already seen many similar cases and has an idea what will work best on the current types of pollens and irritants.
  19. A half benadryl is not nearly enough to do anything. If you search this forum for the word benadryl, the dosage is posted in numerous threads, I just don't remember the exact calculation. If he starts licking or chewing his paws, check between the toes for any broken skin or redness - you don't want them to get infected. . . Rocket started itching several weeks ago after the rains came and broke our drought. We think it's probably ragweed related. We still have some spray and eye drops from last year that the vet gave us for the same thing. Lots of ragweed on all of our available walking routes. He is also on 3, 4mg Chlorpheneramine pills twice a day for the itchng. (OTC it's Chlor-Trimeton, but we get it cheaper from the vet.)
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