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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. The Adams brand of products work very well. They have repellents that can be used on your pet, as well as a sprays for shrubs and yards. When Rocket goes to areas where ticks are a potential issue, we use a Preventic collar on him. It works well.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run pain-free, Gigi.
  3. Read this page for more info on Rimadyl side effects. http://www.srdogs.com/Pages/rimadylfr.html
  4. Feel better soon Mama Grandy. You are one of GT's all time favorite girls and we are all pulling for you to be home soon and feeling good!
  5. Springtime here too. Fresh Factors and Joint Health. Rocket started taking them when he was about 6 or 7 years old and I have used them since. We definitely saw a difference after starting them. Recently I ran out of Fresh Factors and was leaving for a trip, so didn;t want a box sitting on the porch. I could see that he had much less energy after about 10 days off of the Fresh Factors. I can't explain it, and it's probably more anecdotal than scientific, but their products really do seem to make a difference. The tablets are scored so that you can break them into smaller pieces. I break them up and put them in his Kong Wobbler treat dispenser, which he plays with until it is totally empty and stops giving him prizes.
  6. Didn't realize that she wasn't a racer. You might have to teach her the phrase "Mickey D's" and take her through the drive-thru a few times. Of course, you'll have to stop there every time you got out if she learns that one!
  7. Out of curiosity - try the phrase "Kennel Up" in a commanding voice next time. I've seen that used with some hounds and even Rocket will respond to it. Must be a holdover from the track kennel.
  8. Maybe she's like Rocket and would rather drive than ride. It took stinky liver treats to get Rocket to jump in on his own the first time. Prior to that I was having to lift his back end after he'd put his front paws on the seat. Once he did that one time, I never had to left him again. I had him smell the treat and then threw it to the opposite side of the car so he had to go after it. Have you tried a McD's cheeseburger?
  9. If taking the pumpkin out doesn't fix things and you need to try a different kibble, many people end up with great results using plain old IAMS green bag. I've had great results for a long time using Precise Foundation Chicken Meal and Rice, until it no longer worked for Rocket. Now we are feeding Rachael Ray Grain Free Turkey and Potato, which is not a food I would have ever even tried except that someone else was using it and saw a great improvement in their hound's stools. Don't be swayed by all of the "good kibble, premium kibble, etc. " At the end of the day it is strictly about which one works well for your dog. You are not a bad dog parent for feeding one brand or another. The reason you get so many different kibble suggestions is because something different ends up working for everyone.
  10. Lose the pumpkin and see if it makes a difference. Not all dogs can tolerate it, and it makes diarrhea worse in some, while others do just fine on it.
  11. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Run pain-free, Luke.
  12. Yay Conner! Hope you feel good enough to come and visit soon!
  13. We have Tylan and capsules if you need them.
  14. Your description does sound like some type of seizure or other neuro event. It's pretty hard to say for sure though. Taking him to the ER was the right move. Good luck, and hope Remy is feeling better soon.
  15. Many of these hounds get really hot when it goes much over 75 degrees. Some love it and won't come out of the heat on their own. Panting for 30-45 minutes after a walk isn't unusual and is a cooling mechanism. If you suspect that your hound overheated, you can use cold wet towels to cool them down - changing them frequently because they heat up as they remove heat from the dog. There's a recent thread about hounds overheating and some good solutions here. Read all the way through - even though it started out as a Soap Box post, it contains some really good info. As far as posting photos and videos here - photos work best through Flickr, Photobucket or Imgur. Videos work best using YouTube. You post the pics or video on that site and link to it. There are instructions here. Welcome to GreyTalk. Holiday weekends or weekends where there are big greyhound events going on can take a little time to get a response, but the members here are great and will help anytime you post a question. Be sure to post some pics of your hound when you have time.
  16. Dr. Rocket prescribes ice cream. Of course, he ALWAYS prescribes ice cream. Hope Conner is feeling better soon.
  17. Need a little more info. Whet's the temperature outside where you were walking? Any other known medical issues?
  18. When Rocket's stress colitis kicks in I use Evanger's Organic Cooked Chicken mixed with mushy rice or pasta instead of cooking chicken. The consistency is great for a bland diet. They also have a Chicken and Rice (non-organic) that I have used. There is only a little bit of guar gum (preservative) and water as the other ingredients. He has never turned down this food even when he will eat nothing else. I keep a case here all the time just for tummy issues. If he can't have chicken, they also have a beef food in cans - it's just beef and can be used for cats or dogs since there are no other additives. And it's kosher if Conner requires it. Hope our boy is feeling better soon. He and Val need to come and visit.
  19. When he was younger, Rocket would do a 4AM security check of the house, going room to room, then returning to bed. It was actually pretty funny, but he took the same route through the house every night. Now that he prefers sleep, he says "Screw security - you humans are on your own." I agree with the others, a late evening snack and/or a late evening brief walk or outing might be all it takes for them to sleep through.
  20. I wouldn't be too alarmed since you gave him a dewormer. If it continues beyond a reasonable time, then a trip back to vet might be warranted, but sometimes getting those worms out can be pretty ugly. Mucous is fairly normal when the stomach is irritated, as would be the case if worms were active. As far as the spot on the carpet, you may want to try an enzyme based urine / pet odor remover. most other products just mask the odor and it;s still there.
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