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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. I am sure that others will weigh in with suggestions but when my girl has had scratches like that I put EMT gel on and add a poop guard to her muzzle so she can't snake her tongue through the end and lick the wound. The EMT gel works great and the muzzle keeps my competitive licker from doing any harm to herself (and the walls, floors, furniture...).
  2. Hugs to pretty Spriet. I hope she gets lots of benefits from her PT tomorrow and continues to improve.
  3. My heart is breaking for you and your husband. Dreamer sounds like a wonderful girl. She was certainly beautiful. Try to remember that all she knew with you was love. Try, too, not to beat yourself up, whatever took her from you happened so fast you could not have changed the course of it. Run free, Dreamer.
  4. I am so very sorry. Run free, Blaze. (and if you meet a cranky chocolate poodle named Blaze, give him my love)
  5. Aquitaine has been getting Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM and fish oil since coming to me 5 years ago. Recently I added COQ10 to the mix. I immediately noticed a change with that. She now jumps up to my bed to say hi -- it is 4.5 feet above the floor and she only ever once jumped ON it -- now I get a nose in the face every morning while she stands with her paws on there. Her morning zoomies and toy toss is far more rambunctious now, too!
  6. Great update! Keep getting better Beau!
  7. No advice, just prayers and good thoughts for Miss Elsie.
  8. Prayers and good thoughts for Beau. Add me to the list of those who can't see the word "tilapia" without thinking of Beau (or you). This absolutely can't be a repeat of 2009. Not acceptable.
  9. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Red.
  10. Thanks for sharing this. I had thought of going back to Canidae when this was straightened out. Won't be doing that now unless/until they get their own plant. Thankfully, Aquitaine did not get sick. I did get Salmonella, badly. We can directly trace it to the arrival of the bag of food in March and it started to improve when I stopped feeding it two weeks ago. My doctor has warned me that since I have IBS, my recovery will be much longer than usual. Fun. Most importantly, Aquitaine is okay. It is really sad to see a company let itself go this way. Especially a company that people trust to produce food for animals that they love.
  11. carronstar

    Rip Jim

    I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Jim.
  12. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Apu.
  13. I am so very sorry for your sudden, tragic loss. Godspeed, Marty.
  14. I am so very sorry. Crystal and you deserved more time to be together and to love each other. Run free, Crystal.
  15. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Toby.
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