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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Hoping for a swift and uneventful dental. Scritchies to Teagan.
  2. I am so very sorry. Run free, Fiona.
  3. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Mike.
  4. carronstar


    I'm sleep deprived and emotionally raw right now so I am outright stealing what Trish said. Godspeed, Cash.
  5. Just back from vet. No dehydration. Electrolytes fine. ACL fine. Feet and forelegs fine. Not heat stroke. Temperature normal. The dx is muscle strain/spasms from going in and out of the SUV. On Tramadol. Thankfully our. Our combined suite at The Glass Magnolia includes a twin bed in Liz's room. That mattress has now been moved to the floor of my room so I can sleep by her on the dog bed. I was afraid that if I slept in my bed she might try to jump up there. She never sleeps with me unless we are traveling. Unfortunately the blood and urine tests show that she is losing protein and there is some thought that she has PLE. The vet would not opine on a course of action. She wants me to talk to my own vet. Of course, but it is Saturday night and I want a plan for my girl. NOW!! I want to know she will be okay nd something in the back of my head is saying that is not the case. I know nothing about PLE and I am frantic. I will say vets are far less costly up here. This would hve been a $2000 night in NYC but was under $400 here. My friend Elizabeth and her pup Harry were lifesavers. Poor Harry was So worried about his friend Aquitaine. On the way to the vet he lay facing her with his nose right up against her watching her. Love them.
  6. As we were Leaving Atwater this afternoon Aquitaine's left rear leg went into very bad spasms as we went to go to the car it happened again. We have been here for 3 hours.
  7. Cuddles to Pogo for coming through so well. I know you will all be happy when he is home.
  8. Checking in on Nube this morning. Keeping him, and all of you, in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. carronstar


    I am so very sorry. Run free, Sugar.
  10. So happy to hear your boy ate today!! Keeping Rousty in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. So very happy to hear that the tumor was not cancer. That is a fabulous phone call to get. Depending on where you are, the weather could also be draining him, even if he is inside in A/C.One of my science-y friends says it has to do with the weight/density of the air. My girl went through the same surgery in December and she had me really worried the last couple of weeks because she has been sluggish. Lo and behold, the temps dropped Saturday and part of Sunday and she was herself again. We've had to do "mommy and me" meals lately where I sit on the couch and hold her bowl, but, whatever it takes!
  12. All of those dogs are in my girl's pedigree. As is Onie Jones if you go back far enough. As much as it hurt to lose Scarlett at 19 to osteo -- and to be honest, I knew I would lose her that year just because of her age -- the osteo won't stop me from adopting another hound. I lost Morgaine to status epilepticus. I almost lost Aquitaine in December to a mass in her spleen. Thankfully, she woke me up and we got the the ER and it never burst, was removed, and was a benign fat tumor (what the surgeon told me I wanted it to be) bigger than a softball. When Scarlett first went down on her legs, my vet and I decided to treat it as old age and arthritis before jumping to the osteo conclusion, after all, she had made it to a serious old age so that wasn't the first thing to think of. When there was no relief after a month of Adequan, massage therapy, heat therapy, water therapy, we scheduled the x-rays. When they came out and asked to x-ray her chest, I had my answer. My poor vet did his level best to explain to a fairly hysterical me that they lose as many dogs to arthritis as to osteo but I just couldn't process that at the time. Now I am glad that he told me. It serves as a reminder that something will always take them -- they are not forever. I try to go by what my childhood vet, while my family was breeding and showing, taught me -- we only get these creatures for a very limited time and we are lucky to love and learn from them. That same vet did tell me that on an individual level, I should NEVER have a giant breed dog because I get so emotional. On the one hand, I know how right he is, on the other hand, I would much rather have the time I have with each dog. What I do know, having had 3 greys now from all these sires is that they throw great/greyt pups.
  13. What a beautiful tribute, and what a gift to be able to spend so many years together. Run free, Twister.
  14. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Homer. PS -- if Homer was the gorgeous, big fawn boy on the UWS of NY, please feel free to reach out to me if there is anything I can do to help.
  15. Keeping Jilly Bean and her greys and humans in my thoughts and prayers. You are a little girl with a huge fan club.
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