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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Bernie. It definitely sounds like he has tweaked something.
  2. I am so very sorry. Run free, Bella Rose
  3. Sounds silly to celebrate a broken toe but that is great news!!!!!
  4. I ordered the stretcher as well. Hopefully, I will never have to use it. I've let my walker know that if she ever needs to use it for one of her clients she can take it. She is so good when she sees any of her dogs in trouble, she takes them straight to the vet. I have some Tramadol. I will ask about something stronger when we see the vet soon.
  5. So happy that Puzzle is home and healing. That picture with Jabari is just heart melting.
  6. My heart hurts for you. I am so very sorry that your Maggie is gone. Run free, Maggie.
  7. carronstar

    Rip Lj

    What a beautiful boy. I am so happy he had you and your pack to love him and keep him company. Godspeed, LJ.
  8. Adding good thoughts and prayers for Tony.
  9. That is all that we can really do. Munchie doesn't know this in any intellectual way, she just wants to enjoy her days with you. Hug on her and love on her and make lots more wonderful memories with her.
  10. My heart is just breaking for you. Bell and Bugsy, run free. You had a mom who truly adored you both.
  11. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Ziggy and for you. I went through this last August/September with my neighbor and her poodle. Everything worked out just fine -- now, when Ruby gives a stink-eye -- it has even more drama! Holding Ziggy in my thoughts and prayers today.
  12. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Puzzle and his worried mama. Fingers crossed that the surgery brings and end to this saga for you both.
  13. I am so very sorry. It certainly sounds like Mighty and you were made for each other. I truly believe that certain dogs come in to our lives with very specific "jobs" to do for us. Please do not think that you failed Mighty in any way. You never did. You gave him love every single day. That love will continue to exist in your heart and in the world. Like so many others here on GT, I know how hard a sudden, unexpected loss can be to process. It can feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest. My heart is breaking for you right now. Please know that all of us will be here supporting you. Godspeed, Mighty.
  14. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Munchie and hugs for you. You have made a decision out of pure love for your girl. No decision made that way can be wrong. I hope Munchie feels a lot better real soon.
  15. I am so very sorry. Run free, Izzy. There is so much love in that photo.
  16. I am so very sorry. Run free, Honey.
  17. carronstar


    I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Yankee.
  18. I am so sorry about this diagnosis. I've been there. None of my girls has had a problem with vets, oddly, they have all been happy to go to the office. I have had a home care vet for the last eight years so their office visits are limited. If you decide to go the palliative care route, would a home care vet be an option? It is much less invasive, more like a nice visitor who happens to be checking him out while petting and visiting. Plus, there's no white coat to be afraid of!
  19. I have had it on Aquitaine since the day I got her and it has been great. Between an accident, an attack, and this year's emergency splenectomy all claims have been paid quickly and the customer service has been great. I have 24PetWatch and while the monthly fee has gone up about $2 per month each year as she has aged, that is reasonable. I have the QuickCare 70 plan. For my next pup (hopefully quite a few years in the future) I will likely upgrade the plan simply because the emergency splenectomy paid out the max on her blood and lymph system and I want to be sure to have a higher coverage in case I ever face that again.
  20. I am so very sorry. Run free, Ava.
  21. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Willie.
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