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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Aquitaine went through a period where she was having trouble with back rear leg sliding when she got up from a "down". It started when she was about 8-9... she was medically fine so I finally gave in and bought a rug for her for her birthday that year. It happened a couple of times after if she would be too close to under my bed but it was nothing major. Fresh Factors sounds like a good idea if she hasn't been getting any joint supplementation and has been medically cleared.
  2. Aquitaine and I went through a bad period where I thought she might be getting dementia, even though our walker/caregiver/friend Kelly told me I was out of my freaking mind. She could not go through the night, at 3-4 am every morning for a year she woke me up with her pacing. We would take a short pee walk but that was not really her issue. Then I read on here in a thread that Denamarin might work for the problem. I reasearched it, it looked fairly benign so I added it to her daily routine. It worked. No clue at all why, didn't really care. It worked and we were back to sleeping through the night within a week or so. I will say it is not cheap at all. The price is mildly better on Amazon than at the vet, but not by much. Also, a friend tried it with her girl for the same problem and it didn't work, so not a guarantee. Just worth a try.
  3. The treatment is pretty darn benign, depending on location, it can be costly but that is mostly the food and the monitoring/testing visits. My girl lasted 3 years past diagnosis (with apparently the lowest albumin level ever recorded in NYC) and I lost her to osteo. Don't look for trouble. If the bloods are good, stay the course. It sure sounds like Diana is doing better which is wonderful news.
  4. Weeping profusely at work. Never an easy thing to explain. Bobber lived the life she was meant to live, and she left on her own terms. That is the best we can ask for. There are days when I honestly believe that loving this breed is a blessing and a curse. Not that we would have it any other way. Fly with your mama, Bobber.
  5. Sounds like you have found the right path for your boy.
  6. My heart just hurts for you. Fly with the wind, beautiful Bonny.
  7. I am so very sorry for your losses. Fly free Kodie and Mira.
  8. No advice, just hugs for poor, scared Ruby and her people.
  9. No, advise, just lots of good thoughts and prayers. I have chronic congenital bronchitis and know how hard it can be to breathe. There can be an emotional/anxiety component but I am sure lots of pets and kisses from you will help!
  10. Big hugs, many deeply unladylike words. I am so very, very sorry for your less. Fly with the wind, Sallie.
  11. Lots of sunny, happy, treat filled -- and nap filled -- days ahead for Taylor!
  12. Yes, I have found that the dentists are far more expensive, but ultimately, for me at least, worth it. It also helped that they always made it a point to tell me that the anesthesiologist had gone to OSU and gone through the greyhound program... although I still sat in the waiting room the entire day as I my being there would change any outcome.
  13. It depends on where you are. Major cities have higher costs. It also depends on the practice, is it your regular vet? Is it a dental surgeon? When my 11 year old had extractions last year in NYC it was approximately $4,000. Cost killed me but she made it through and it was risky as she had kidney disease.
  14. It doesn't seem like 3 years at all. I think we all think of Charlie often.
  15. You did the best you could do at the time with the knowledge you had. How are you and Sallie today?
  16. My first girl, Scarlett, had some kind of triple coat thing going. She felt like velvet/bunny fur, but you could curry comb her for 45 minutes and then hand the comb over to someone else for another 45 minutes and still be getting hair to come off. As her vet at the time said "she's a dog, dogs shed". Okay, then.
  17. Try the canned version, Aquitaine loved that! I also found that Fresh Pet, the log version, was the same ingredients as the home cooking I was going to do. The phosphorous % was not on the label but I sent them an email and they responded immediately and the level is within the feeding range for a renal diet (I don't recall the exact number now). My girl also liked the canned Purina NF which has a lower price point than the Hills. Aquitaine also loved Hi-Tor NEO which I admit I never heard of until I had to get renal diet food. There are conflicting views out there about protein/phosphorous. It seems the newer viewpoint is that the lower phosphorous is the most important part. I kind of yelled at one doc at one point telling him that I wish that the vet community would make up their collective minds as to which was more important.
  18. Lots of hugging, and kissing and cheese burger and ice cream eating. A long and happy life together certainly does not make this part any easier.
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