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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry! Each one is such a huge presence..........................the lack of their presence almost seems to suck the life out of a room. I hope Pop visits you soon to let you know that he's ok.
  2. I-therm would be a good addition to the other suggestions. That little machine can work miracles! You might have to call around to find one or contact the manufacturer (google I-therm) for information.
  3. NEW YORK April 2013 Vaccine Seminar with Dr. Ronald Schultz The Pets Perspective is a hosting a vaccine seminar, What everyone Needs to Know About Canine/Feline Vaccines & Vaccination Programs, with Dr. Ronald Schultz to benefit The Rabies Challenge Fund. Click here to learn more and register: http://blogger.thepetsperspective.com/dr-ronald-schultz-seminar-4-20-13/ When: Saturday, April 20, 2013, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST Where: Creekside Banquet Facility Cheektowaga, NY Cost: $75 includes lunch, seminar & program book Contact: Kelly Ann Bebak ( kelly@thepetsperspective.com)
  4. Oh, Lucy! I am so sorry you have no answers! At this point, maybe it's time to shift gears as you have stated and consider what is best for Legs. You now know he can't exercise strenuously and even your mom's yard may be too large even if he could self-regulate his exercise, so your present situation may be just what he needs. I think you will relate to this: One of mine loves to run - she would run herself into the ground if I let her. Unfortunately, she has a tendency to sprain her toes when let loose to run freely and almost ripped a dewclaw off once, so we walk and walk and walk and walk. When she gets "full of it", she does "doughnuts" in the house and she may play crazily with a toy for a few minutes. Does she miss running at the dog park? I don't know, but I do know that if she were separated from me, DH and her litter sister, she would be a very unhappy girl. If I continue to allow her to run at the dog park, she would be in jeopardy every time she ran. It just so happens that she's also 8 years old - will be 9 on April 1st (yeah, I know, the "April fools" joke was on me when I took her and her litter sister straight off the track!). She's not anything close to the wild child of 7 years ago, but that part of her history is so much a part of her and so fresh in my mind! Do I miss it? You betcha, but if I let my heart rule my mind, she would be in a constant state of hurting and healing so I'm taking the steps necessary to protect her from herself........................ushering her into her senior years so that we can both enjoy the time she has left. In my heart, it hurts to think that I will never see her run again, but watching her limp hurts more. I know that you will do what is best for Legs. I will continue to pray that you get some answers about what is causing his symptoms.
  5. Pat, I am so sorry about Moe. Everyone here knows how much you love your dogs and we all hurt when you are hurting. You paid tribute to Moe each time you shared her with us - thank you for that - and I hope that all those memories begin the healing process.
  6. #1. Get everything in writing; test results, office visit notes and instructions. As far as the aspirin dose: how many milligrams per dose? #2. Has her blood pressure been checked? Not sure I would want to give enalapril if her blood pressure is not elevated. Beware of "white coat syndrome". Is she relaxed at the Vet? Mine appears to be a cool cucumber but her BP goes thru the roof. These results may be her "normal", although protein in the urine would be of concern. If she were mine, I would have someone come to the house and check her blood pressure before giving the enalapril - that's what I did.
  7. ..............or Endosorb - same clay base.
  8. The pain in your words is almost palpable. I am so sorry for your double loss and hope that your memories help heal your heart.
  9. Sweet Rosie. Godspeed, beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. I'm sure no one at The Bridge has overslept this past year - a whole year? Already? You are sorely missed. Hugs, Judy, Mike and Kevin.
  12. True gentlemen are hard to find. Gary was all that and more. I am so sorry for your loss!
  13. Godspeed and party hardy, Stella/Stubs. My condolences to all who loved her.
  14. I am so sorry. You and she fought so hard! So young, so beautiful. Godspeed, Queenie.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.
  16. I am so sorry! Losing her so suddenly..............how awful! Please let all those memories you and Gracie created help heal your broken heart. She would want you to remember the good times.
  17. I am so sorry for your loss. She will be sorely missed but hopefully the memory of her giant personality will help heal your heart. Godspeed, beautiful girl.
  18. I also have one with PLN. The process to get a diagnosis 14 months ago was very difficult due to other complications. Unless the Super Chem, CBC blood test results, urinalysis, complete with specific gravity and UPC (via cystocentesis), point to kidney disease, an ultrasound may not be necessary.
  19. It hurts no matter the circumstances. I am so sorry. Godspeed, Dreamy!
  20. She was certainly one in a million! Too young.......................way too young. I am so sorry for your loss.
  21. Finally !!! It's a start. Hope he transitions thru the introduction without a hiccup. Please keep us updated on how he's reacting to the meds. Lucy, I can't remember all the details of this saga, but has his BP been checked lately?
  22. Hooray! Greyt news! Angel Anna has one of those that kept getting ripped off, then it would return and over and over again. It finally just disappeared.
  23. Sending prayers for an uneventful procedure and smooth recovery.
  24. What a relief - no "O"! Hope everyone is feeling better this morning!
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