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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Try TruthAboutPetFood.com for credible insider information. Susan Thixton tries to provide balanced reporting about what is going on in the pet food arena. She is also a physical presence at AAFCO meetings and others.
  2. So glad to hear he's having some good days! He's so lucky to have you as his Mom.
  3. Sending buckets of prayers for Jimmie and lots of hugs of comfort to you. Scary, scary stuff, but lots of good advice here from those with vast experience. Please advocate for Jimmie when it comes to meds. Our guys are not a one-size-fits-all breed. Hoping for good news and effective meds that get those seizures under control.
  4. Oh, my! What a handsome guy! Praying for a different diagnosis!
  5. Awww, poor boy! Sending prayers of comfort for his tender feelings.
  6. I am so sorry. The fact that he thrived with you and DH shows that he was finally home.
  7. First, I am so sorry that you have been blind sided with this news. Second, never apologize. Everyone on this forum is here for you, some share the best advice you will ever receive and others are the best hand holders ever. Third, we will walk with you every step of the way if you choose to include us. Fourth, our hearts break for you and your boy. He is just so handsome and too young to have been diagnosed with this monster.
  8. It wasn't within your power to change what happened. Forgive yourself because Beanie wasn't about blame. Beanie was about love. I am so sorry.
  9. Deep sigh of relief! All is right with the world now that Chevy has stolen a waffle! Gotta love that boy!
  10. I don't think Lorinda took many breaths during the entire time (a very LONG time) the procedure was taking place! But all is well and now Laser can rest and concentrate on getting rid of the rest of that clot in his heart! Love you,Laser!! So glad you had your cake early!!! Happy Birthday!
  11. Shoot. Was really hoping to read something else. Hugs and prayers for you both.
  12. Greyt update! Let the healing continue!!!!!
  13. I was so stressed to see Jabari had a setback and so pleased to read of his new lease on life! Hope it continues!!!
  14. In my mind there would have to be a life-or-death reason to do a biopsy of any kind until the cause of the bleeding is identified. I had one with von Willebrand's although it didn't rear it's ugly head until the end. Sending prayers for your handsome guy and hugs of comfort for you.
  15. I can't find the words that could possibly comfort you, so I will just say I am sorry. I cannot imagine the depth of your grief. Please know that you are in my prayers. Godspeed Bubba and Suds.
  16. Hope it's an infection. Sending prayers. Would a mild sedative be a possibility? Hope the "happy" visit is a success! Prayers for Beanie and hugs for you, Judy.
  17. OMG! Sending prayers and healing white light to Chevy and hugs to you, Adrianne. Was Seth walking both dogs? How horrible for everyone! Please call animal services in your area and report this attack!
  18. I have been chanting and praying...............praying and chanting.......................keeping everything crossed! Holding YOUR hand thru the USB since I can't be there in person. Love that miracle boy! He has the best Momma in the world who has moved heaven and earth to get him to this point. Go Lazer!
  19. They don't care if you take your business elsewhere. Sad, but true. It's difficult, political and one of those situations that calls for diplomacy and a stiff backbone. Valerie, if you feel you owe it to the neurologist to give it one more try, I like the suggestion of speaking to the office/practice manager (better for you if there is a practice manager), but be prepared with a very specific list of concerns, specific questions, the person from whom you expect to hear by telephone or in a face-to-face, and a deadline. Demand (nicely) to fax/email the list so there will be no misunderstandings. The response will tell you what you need to do. I wish you well and more than that, I wish a sustained recovery for Diamond.
  20. I am so very sorry for your loss. How special it was to have had that extra time together. Godspeed, Santa.
  21. He was the first Roman nose I ever saw. You never forget your first love and I will never forget Joseph. Jey, I am so sorry for your loss.
  22. Lucy, just seeing this! Praying, chanting, crossing all appendages, sending healing white light and anything else that might help your handsome guy. Have to say that the photo of the two of you is just precious. Hoping for good news today.
  23. Oh, no. I am so sorry! He was so handsome and just way too young! Run like the wind, Hero! You're whole again.
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