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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. What a way to end 2012! It just can't get much better than this - miracles really CAN happen! I just know that Lazer will continue to defy the odds! Can't wait to hear what the cardiologist says when he sees Lazer and reviews his labs! Lorinda, few people know how hard you have worked to bring Lazer to this point in his recovery. My prayer for 2013 is that your efforts will be rewarded with a clean cardiac ultrasound.
  2. How is Laser doing? May we have an update? His story (and yours) is so amazing!!!
  3. I am so sorry, Janet. I know that you would prefer to have him with you - there is never enough time. But I can envision how happy he and Peanut are to be able to romp to their hearts content. Godspeed, handsome.
  4. Aw, Lucy, you didn't panic! You're a hound mom who has been on pins and needles for a long time, just wanting Legs to be a normal, healthy Greyhound. It's ok to ask. That's why we're all here - to ask, answer and share. Still have everything "crossable, crossed". I'll be "tuned in" on Wednesday at work.
  5. I am so sorry that Isaac's poor body failed him. He was a very handsome guy. I am very sorry for your loss.
  6. I would wait, too. You can always take a photo a day to track the healing progress. Size had one on her chest - right at the spot that touched the floor when she assumed the sphinx posture, which is her favorite. I can't tell you how many times it would be sssooo close to being healed and then I would find a bloody spot on the floor and there it would be - again! It took months for that spot to heal! And yes, it always looked its worst right after the scab came off.
  7. What a wonderful way to honor Bod's legacy!
  8. .....when you care enough to send the very best........toenail? She was always unique, so you shouldn't be surprised that the "gift" was much the same. There will forever be only one...................The Duchess of Blackwood.
  9. Kathy, you were both blessed to have found each other 8-1/2 years ago. His devotion to you and your love for him probably kept him from revealing his condition sooner. Your selfless act of love kept him from suffering a moment longer than he could have. I know that you want nothing more than to turn back the clock to see him and feel his presence one more time. He will always be with you. I am so sorry for your loss.
  10. Find another Vet if possible. If that's not feasible, do not, under any circumstances give any medication or do any surgical procedures until you are satisfied that it is right for your dog. I have a dog who is dying of kidney failure because her former Vet said he knew all about Greyhounds.
  11. Lucy, we are all here waiting with you. Everything "cross able" is crossed!
  12. Please concentrate on his quality life instead of the diagnosis! I know it is so hard, but if you can force yourself to do it, you will be concentrating on HIM and not the disease. That's all he wants anyway - to know you love him as much as he loves you! He doesn't understand treatment or money. He only understands the inflection of your voice, your body language, your facial expressions, the feel of your loving hands and your warm, loving kisses. As far as food is concerned, does it really matter at this stage? There are some who believe in cancer diets, but frankly, having been through a similar experience, if he were my dog, I would give him anything he wants to eat. The more comfortable he is, the better chance he will start acting like his old self. And that's what you really want, isn't it? To get back to "normal", even if it's just for a little while? And I am going through it again - not cancer this time, but a death sentence nonetheless. There are never any guarantees in life, so grab it, hang on, spoil him rotten and give him and yourself the best time of your lives for the foreseeable future. I will keep you both tucked tightly in my heart and prayers.
  13. Oh, I am so sorry! I pray that your memories of Emmy will help you get through the holidays and start 2013 knowing that you and she had something very special. She would like that.
  14. A complete dental is the wisest way to start with antibiotics as after care to take care of any lingering infection. Until you desensitize him to having his teeth brushed, bully sticks, turkey necks and knuckle bones are all good suggestions. Hopefully with regular brushing and other prophylactic measures, his mouth will be manageable. A friend had a grey with teeth like that. She got him to accept an electric toothbrush but despite white, plaque free, sparkling teeth, he had the worst breath! Even a full dental only kept the sewer breath at bay for about 2 weeks. She ended up pulsing Flagyl, brushing and turkey necks which helped a lot!
  15. There's his handsomeness! I woke up thinking of you and Legs this morning and made it a point to come here early to check on him. He certainly looks happy! Keeping fingers crossed for good results!
  16. Miss you, Phene! Happy Bridge Birthday! {{{{{{Robin}}}}}
  17. Those "skinny, ugly dogs" will get to you every time. Godspeed, Joe. Run like the wind! I am very sorry for your loss.
  18. I am very sorry. I pray that one day all the things you described about Holly will help heal your heart and bring a smile to your face.
  19. I am so sorry. GT and everyone who loved that little girl lost an icon. But just imagine how much more controlled things will be at The Bridge! I can just imagine the buzz among all the hounds when she arrived, "Better snap to it! Jilly Bean has arrived!"
  20. If anyone knows about E-vets and supportive care for life threatening conditions, it's Lorinda. Do you have super chem and cbc results you can post? Does Sasha have skin lesions?
  21. Wow! I hoped that your post would have been test results, not test initiation! I'm sure he will do just fine! Keeping everything crossed for an uneventful test. Hang in there.............
  22. Oh, heavens! I hope you get some real answers soon! Sending prayers and hugs!
  23. If all the love GT has for Jilly Bean could be harnessed to produce a miracle, Jilly Bean would not only be cured, but would live forever! Sending prayers and hugs to all.
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