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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Lou, sorry I only check H&M sporadically. It's just too hard sometimes; I know you understand. Yes, PLEASE send the photos to me and I will post them! Having seen Betty a couple of weeks ago and meeting Jack for the first time (gotta love that boy!!! ), I can report that Lou is an amazing Mom, Betty is just as sweet as she was the first time I met her and she certainly appears none the worse from her traumatic experience. Lou has the support of a wonderful Vet who went above and beyond to find the treatment that would work for this girl. Lou was amazing in coming up with her "toga" (Lou, be sure and include a photo of Betty in the toga!), figuring out bandages, tapes, etc. to bring her from horror to healing in such a short time. Her DH is their official "cook" and for those of you who have cooked for your dogs, please join me in applauding his efforts for their BIG dobie, Jack and the beautiful Betty. Hats off to you, Lou. Amazing job!
  2. Are you taking him to UF Vet School?
  3. I am so sorry. She was a real beauty.
  4. It's those spitfires that leave a huge hole in your heart. She was truly special.
  5. .............and do KNOT feed the skin! It goes in one end and out the other! Amazing how the canine stomach acid can kill salmonella but doesn't touch sweet potato skins!
  6. Could you call and ask that all the test results be emailed to you so you can post them here? The best advice I ever received was from a Veterinarian/certified animal nutritionist who believed that a restricted protein kidney diet should not be started until there were 3 sets of blood tests and urinalysis run 30 days apart to confirm a diagnosis for which such a diet was appropriate. Because there can be multiple causes of "kidney disease" a low protein diet may not be the best choice. Ooops! Edited to add: Forgot to add: check out dogaware.com . There is a wealth of information about all things related to kidney disease!
  7. She was one of those special ones................beauty and brains mixed with a little spice.
  8. It took longer than you would have preferred, but she did make it "home". I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sure Suzy and Souza were there go greet her.
  9. duncan41


    Oh, no.................he was such a character and so beloved here on the pages of GT. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.
  10. Yes, it could have been worse. Hugs to you and Legs.
  11. Wish Lou would post the "healing" pictures. They are quite simply amazing!
  12. No doggie incidents, but about a month after angel Frank, (a PITA Abyssinian) came home in 2001, he caught and ate a wasp. Must have stung his inner cheek because that boy walked around looking like he had a ping pong ball stuffed in his cheek for a couple of days! He never showed any signs of distress - ate and drank fine and continued to hunt and catch anything that moved in our pool enclosure and screened porches. Omg, that boy was a mess! Loved him to pieces! Knowing what I know now, I would give the Benadryl and be prepared to make a mad dash to the E-vet if any symptoms other than localized swelling appeared.
  13. All of the Missing Link formulas contain lots of fiber, in fact the directions say to start with a small dose and work up to the recommended dose. My girl who tends to produce what I call "pencil poops" and has had anal gland issues is doing wonderfully on the Missing Link formulas. Lots of good Omegas, too!
  14. If Angel Suze had scarfed up big, fat nightcrawlers, I could understand the attraction, but we just don't seem to have many of those around here for some reason. Let some regular old itty bitty worms try to escape a good old FL downpour, then dry out on the sidewalk, well Suze was all over those; scraping them off the sidewalk with her incisors! They hardly seemed worth the trouble to me, but Suze thought they were delish! We all slept better at night knowing that no dried worms were lurking on our sidewalks!
  15. duncan41


    Jet - what a magnificent name for a girl who lived up to her name. And you're right - it shouldn't have ended that way. I am so sorry! Sending prayers of healing and comfort.
  16. There will never be another like Hannah. Her legacy will serve as inspiration to anyone who has a hound who insists on living life on the edge. I am so sorry for your loss. Hannah, make some noise at The Bridge and let your Mamma and Daddiman know that you arrived!
  17. Wow! She's letting you pet her and she's falling asleep??? That's HUGE! Congrats! The MFH at it's best!
  18. Sending prayers of comfort to Murphy and hugs to those who love him.
  19. A black girl with "special charms".........................they burrow into your heart when they gift you with the slightest display of affection and infect every minute of the day with their demands. Oh, yes. She was very, very special. Godspeed, beautiful little angel. I am so sorry for your loss.
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