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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. If she were mine, I would continue to withhold the DES and treat her as if she has a UTI. If the leaking stops, I believe you may have an answer. Please look into I-therm. It cured my girl's 24/7 incontinence. I'm not a hocus-pocus kind of person, was totally skeptical but desperate. Proin caused her acute renal failure, and she also had a clotting disorder so DES was not an option, either. I was the happiest person on earth when the leaking totally stopped after the third treatment. Remission lasted 6 months at which time the leaking started again, so 3 more treatments and she was again leak free and remained so until the end.
  2. My girl was on a prednisone for her last 3 months battling lymphosarcoma. It restored her quality of life while not causing any undue hardship for us. At that point she was waking us up during the night for symptoms related to the disease, not necessarily the prednisone, so we didn't consider it a hardship. Wish she was still here waking me up in the middle of the night.
  3. Three doses of Proin caused one of mine to go into acute renal failure. Never again.
  4. If ever there was a boy who might have pulled thru by the power of GT alone, it was Neko. I am so sorry! We are all in awe of your determination to stay the course to find out what was ailing your beautiful boy. I can only pray that memories of that beautiful face and his heart warming personality will bring you some comfort. When the breeze hits your face, that will be Neko running past you at full throttle just to let you know he's free and whole and running like the wind. Godspeed, Neko. Watch over your momma.
  5. Susan, I hope Alan and Suze have found each other by now. I have a feeling that they will be greyt comfort to one another. There will never be a greater love.
  6. Milo looks like he's saying, "Back away from the dog. He's mine!" How adorable is that?????
  7. We are just about to walk out the door for our evening walk, so I will look for Plummer's star in the heavens. I am very sorry that he couldn't stay longer.
  8. Lucy, I am so sorry! Your tribute and photos are precious. You and Jabari were so lucky to have found each other and you did a wonderful job of creating the memories that will help soften the jagged edges of your broken heart.
  9. "Leah was feeling better yesterday - even did a playbow and half-snarked once at Jimmie." Don't you just love those first signs of normalcy? Even a half-snark can make all the difference! So glad she's feeling better!
  10. Well, that's very promising! Hoping for good news with a simple fix!
  11. This is just so unfair........to you, to Neko.............everyone is trying so hard, praying, praying, praying. Won't stop.
  12. How is Leah this evening? Has she had Tramadol before? Some dogs have a not -so-great reaction to Tramadol and it can actually make them appear to be freaked out. Just don't want her meds to be making her feel worse.
  13. So many prayers, so much healing energy going out to Neko. Holding him gently in my heart and prayers. Praying and chanting. Chanting and praying.
  14. It's so frustrating when you know what "it isn't", when all you really want to know is what "it is". Been there. Sending continuing prayers for your beautiful boy. He is absolutely stunning!
  15. Damn. I am so sorry this happened to Leah and you, Jody. At least there were witnesses and law enforcement follow up; much more than most experience. For all those who have participated in discussions regarding what you would do in this situation, please read Jody's description of what happened and look at the pictures. She was ready, she was armed and she had been through near-misses before. It just never happens as you think it will. It's worse than you can imagine. Sending healing white light and hugs of comfort.
  16. She was a stunning girl. Godspeed, Lulu. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. I am so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Millie.
  18. Soft tissue injuries have their own timetable for healing and Stewie's healing process may take much longer than expected. Give him every chance to heal by leash walking every time he leaves the confines of the house and confine him as much as is reasonable for him when he is alone in the house. I learned those lessons the hard way with one of mine. I was told to expect 4 weeks to heal, but it ended up being 5 months due to aggravating the injury after 8 weeks despite following my own advice. I understand your heart-pounding, sick to your stomach concern. I am praying that Stewie is a slow healer, just like my Fuzz.
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