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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Sorry - have been wrapped up with DH''s cardiac issues lately. OSU's cautionary response:Most every normal Greyhound has low T4 and fT4 levels. We would recommend a TSH assay, so hypothyroidism can be confirmed, you can read more about it in our newsletter (attached). Your vet would need to send the samples to Michigan State. I don't disagree with that at all! I am a HUGE believer in MSU Thyroid testing! I have recommended it countless times to others! BUT, here is what was submitted, copied directly from their response: ConsultAcute Renal Failure 2009 - cause never identified. Current dx: glomerulonephritis, hypertension, hypothyroid, 20% von Willebrand's Factor. Latest test results for BP (note: readings were taken at home to avoid white coat syndrome), Super Chem, CBC, urinalysis, UPC, Urine Culture and von Willebrand's Factor are attached. Significant changes since January: UPC was 4.5, is 5.2 now. von Willebrand's was 58%, is 20% now. Also included thyroid test results before and after Soloxine. PCR testing for all TBD's was negative. Tested for "atypical Addison's" - negative. Medications: Soloxine: .3mg in am, .4mg in pm. Benazepril: 15mg once a day. Homeopathic remedies by Standard Process and Systemic Formulas targeting the kidneys and thyroid. Other alternative treatments: acupuncture, I-therm, massage and essential oils. Diet: Homemade Kidney Diet by Dr. Pitcairn. Questions or requestsDr. Donna Ragona from Cocoa Village Animal Wellness Center will be calling to request a consultation regarding whether to continue Benazepril or if Enalapril would be indicated for this dog, as well as the advisability of adding Spironolactone (as quoted in the article from Celebrating Greyhounds by Dr. Jim Bader) in light of the 20% von Willebrand's factor. Dr. Ragona may have other concerns as well. My point was a. The accompanying test results attached to the consult request could not have been reviewed, and b. THE QUESTION SUBMITTED/PURPOSE FOR THE CONSULT REQUEST WAS NEVER ANSWERED!!!! THE QUESTION HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HYPOTHYROID STATUS, TESTING, OR SYMPTOMS!!! DR. RAGONA'S CALL TO THEM WAS NEVER RETURNED!!! This is not the first time this has happened to me with this dog for her puzzling downward spiral a year ago. Very disappointing.
  2. I have to chuckle at the last paragraph in the green box. Even when I provided GHWP readings of HIGH TSH in addition to a dozen clinical symptoms from their own published list, they still won't concede that my dog could be hypothyroid!
  3. I am so sorry. He left way too soon. :grouphug
  4. Oh, he looks like, "Really??? It's just a joke, right Mom??!!" Well of course he won't move off the rug! Can't you see those magnetic fields going from the vest through his feet and into the floor, making it impossible for him to move? He sure is a handsome guy!
  5. Hope tomorrow brings improvement and she gets to go home very soon!
  6. Prayers for Pinky! Hope it's just a vestibular incident or something just as benign.
  7. Ok, it sounds like there's more than one issue now, but the kidney issue is one to which I can speak with experience. I totally agree with your statement about comparing previous blood test results. The big players in diagnosing kidney disease are: Urine concentration, kidney function (creatinine, BUN, BUN/Creatinine ratio, albumin), UPC (urine protein/creatinine ratio) and to a lesser extent: protein and/or blood in the urine. I am sure that you have read the stories of others whose dogs have been mis-dx'd with kidney disease just because of elevated creatinine alone. You have blood test/UA results from the past, and it sounds like they are being repeated presently, so if there is any question, results from the tests mentioned above, including the very important UPC, should go a long way toward getting answers. Urine culture is only to detect bacteria, identify it in order to choose the appropriate antibiotic, not to diagnose kidney disease. While infection can cause kidney disease/failure, it's not on my list of front line tests to run unless there are other indicators that infection is present. If you can keep everyone involved communicating and coordinating, answers shouldn't be too far away! Be prepared to be a cheerleader, traffic cop and event coordinator! It's all going to come together! I just know it will!
  8. Oh, Lucy! I had this HUGE post composed fearing exactly what happened yesterday and then wimped out and just sent good wishes. I was ssooo afraid that yesterday's appointment would result in more frustration, but you have received some good advice about the heart monitor from those who have had experience. Not sure how you feel about all the "players" involved in Legs care, but like a hospitalist for people, you may want to ask/appoint one of them as the go-to Vet for coordinating all the info, mapping a plan and answering your questions. I just cannot imagine 2.5 years of frustration, but I know that you will work it all out eventually.
  9. Lucy, we will be sending positive thoughts your way today.
  10. Prayers for Gracie - easy procedure, quick and complete recovery. Hugs (and maybe an adult beverage later) for Ducky.
  11. I have one that has had every test and has been x-rayed several times and there is no reason for her on-again-off-again limp. The limp started within the first couple of months after she adopted us at 2 years old, and she only ran 4 maiden races with no report of any injury, so we have no clue regarding the cause. She's 8.5+ years old now and when the limp becomes noticeable, on goes the TheraPaw boot for a couple of months and then limp goes away. Hope is nothing but another mystery limp.
  12. I hope that this is the worst of it. It's always hard to comprehend anything when there's even a hint of trouble, so I always ask for copies of all test results, no matter how many times the same tests were run. It makes it so much easier to have them to take to a consultation, research on your own or post here for others to see and respond. Sending prayers for Opie.
  13. Everything crossed. se Sending healing prayers and hugs of comfort. I hope that waiting is the hardest part.
  14. I just KNOW there's some partying going on today at The Bridge! Happy Birthday, Charlie! {{{{{{{{{{Kyle}}}}}}}}}}
  15. Please do yourself and Toby a favor and run the full thyroid panel thru MSU (including TGAA) as suggested by Kari and request an analysis. Not running the full panel is the sort of thing that can come back to haunt you if, at some point down the line, there's a question of whether Toby was really hypothyroid or sick euthyroid syndrome. Make sure ALL of his clinical symptoms are included, too. MSU is the gold standard and will take Greyhound idiosyncrasies into account. Wish someone had given me this advice last year.
  16. I will be praying that Legs condition is manageable. Having gone down the same frustrating path last year, I know how wearing is can be! I don't know how many times I would lament silently, "Just give me a definitive diagnosis so we can all get on with it!" It's so frustrating when you have a dog with symptoms without the test results to back up a diagnosis! Just remember, Legs doesn't have a clue! All he needs to know is that you love him, he has a roof over his head, a comfortable bed and good food. Sending hugs of comfort to you, Lucy. Hang in there! Keep us posted.
  17. I am so sorry. They never stay as long as we need them.
  18. Vets are very quick to dx kidney disease/failure without looking deeper. What tests were done to come to this conclusion? Since there are several areas of the kidney that can be affected, it is important to "name it". I have one that is in her 12th month post diagnosis. Please pm me if you need help or would be interested more info on food and supportive care.
  19. Cindy, I cannot imagine how stunned you are after losing Zoe so suddenly. It's just not fair. It's......just......not......fair!!!!! Run with the wind, Zoe. I am sorry beyond words.
  20. Bless you for making his last days so special. I am so sorry he had to leave so soon.
  21. Marc, anyone who knows anything about you and your girls misses her. "Plug and play".................my Nikki was one of those, too. We are so lucky to have been blessed with that experience.
  22. Reading this was like getting sucker punched. I am so, so sorry! Robin was one of my favorites here on GT! There was just something about him...............your description of his "heart of a warrior" that spoke to me through his pictures. Gone too soon. :grouphug
  23. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well and godspeed, Buzz.
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